Lesson 1

Objective: The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge on the motivations and obstacles for exploration.

Warm Up

  1. Come into the classroom silently and complete the Warm Up.
  2. Finished- Read through the following links.


Please get out you social studies notebook and lets begin talking about our subject for today’s class.

Journal Entry:

  1. Design a 2-3 paragraph journal entry about you as an explorer.
    • You may be as creative as you like, but it must include the following.
  2. Must Include:
    • Motivations for your exploration: where are you going/why?
    • Possible Obstacles: what could keep you from exploring?
    • Background information and creativity from you about your story/journal entry.
  3. Click Here for Link
  4. Finished, move to the next section.


  1. Take a moment to answer the following questions in the Dotstorming below.
    • What was the most important motivation for explorers to head to the New World?
    • What obstacle do you think kept them from exploring?
  3. Padlet Link


  1. Let’s reflect now on what you have learned. Please click the link to complete an assessment on this information:
  2. Google Form Link


  1. Click Here for the extension sheet, please follow the directions and complete one extension.