Faith's Story


January 1951-Faith meets in rented space for $30.00 a month at the Odd Fellows Hall.

December 4, 1955-Charter role signed with 48 adults and 18 children.

1956-Construction of the first church building on Montana avenue begins. Through the next several years, Faith would begin to open doors to various groups and support of different community organizations including Boy Scouts, convention groups for the wider Lutheran church, a ministerial association, and a kindergarten.

1971-Faith begins conversation into a joint venture with Treasure Valley Christian Church in a mutual partnership involving co-ownership of the church property. This partnership between the two congregations is still in existence today.

2001 through 2003-Faith Lutheran Church adopted a welcoming statement which says:

"We gather in the spirit of God's mission to learn, grow, rejoice, and serve the Lord inclusive of age, race, ability, financial situation, sexual orientation, political persuasion, educational background, marital status, previous denominational affiliations, and any other differences."

Which basically means...everyone is welcome at Faith Lutheran Church.

At this juncture, Faith is living its ministry statement to be a community centered in Christ and called in love to welcome and serve all people. The people of Faith value community, education, caring for families of all ages, and the gospel of God's grace made "in-the-flesh" through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Let's step into the future together!