Session Descriptions

Leadership for Change:  Dr. Chris Cody - Based on the book “Our Iceberg is Melting” we will explore Kotter’s Eight Step Process of Successful Change. Additionally, participants will be presented with a change scenario and devise a strategy to implement the proposed change.   

Communication, Marketing , Admissions and Enrollment, Relationships:  Albert Amling - What is your school’s story? How does your school communicate that story? All of our Lutheran schools have a great message and a great story to tell. We will discuss a variety of strategies to help your school communicate your mission and story to the congregations you serve and the communities where your school is located.     

Managing the Daily Operations: Lois Stewart - The First 100 Days- Planning and Planting Priorities. Establishing your priorities as an academic and spiritual leader instead of letting the current crises dictate your direction.     

Best Practice Board Governance:  DJ Schult - Knowing WHO makes WHAT decision is a critical understanding for school leaders. Effective principals know their system of governance and train lay leaders to function at a high level within the system. This session will highlight the common models of board governance used in schools and spend time uncovering the most important best practice applications no matter what system is used.

Budgeting:  Albert Amling & Trip Rogers - We will run through a variety of guiding principles when you consider putting together a school budget.  Congregations/schools do budgeting in a variety of ways, but the core strategies and principles never change.  

Administrator as Instructional Leader:  Kevin Brockberg - Blasting off from the Principal’s Launchpad of “Educational Leadership,” you will now venture into the universe of curriculum and instruction. Curriculum is the fuel that rockets Lutheran Schools toward excellence, and teachers, through their instruction, pilot the student crew toward orbits of discovery in core-subject adventures and faith pursuits.  As principal, you are Mission Control, supervising the trajectory of standards and integrations … do you have the right stuff?     

Life of Harmony: Travis Grulke - How do we as educational leaders maintain harmony (not balance) in the five main areas of our life?