Posizioni Aperte
Four new postdoc positions open in Biological and Statistical Physics - Univ. of Naples, IT
Duration: 18 months, extendable for 1 more year. Salary: 40kEUR
They focus on the investigation of the 3D organisation and regulation of chromosomes by use of polymer physics, computer simulations and experimental data analysis, within an EU-US collaboration.
For general info visit: https://people.na.infn.it/~nicodem/
For informal enquiries, additional details and the application procedure write to Mario.Nicodemi@na.infn.it
Fully Funded Post-doc Position in Statistical Physics (Stochastic Fluid Dynamics) at the University of Pavia
We are looking for a 30month post-doc applicant in Statistical Physics in Pavia (Italy).
DEADLINE: 16th of May 2024
BEGIN: ASAP after the selection, preferably on the 1st of June 2024.
We are looking for a Physicist or Engineer specialised in Physics or Mathematics, with a strong track record in computational physics and fluid dynamics.
Subject: Ultra rapid phase change phenomena for hydrogen injection.
1) Writing a new parallelised FDI code able to implement the specific thermodynamic properties of Hydrogen.
2) Simulating the rapid heating and expansion of LH2 and determine the dynamics of the process
3) Deliver outstanding presentations in the major conferences of the field
4) Writing at least 3 Journal paper in Q1 journals, such as Nature Communication, J. of Multiphase Flows, Physical Review Letters, Science
Link for application: http://www-5.unipv.it/alboufficiale/
Info: Prof. Marco Marengo, marco.marengo@unipv.it
Fully Funded PhD Position in Bio and Nanomaterials (March 2024)
A fully funded position is available at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice supported by EU next-generation funds with the title:
Computational design and screening of cyclic peptides for precision delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids
The goal of the present project is to develop novel cyclic peptides capable of binding with high affinity and selectivity cell surface tissue-specific receptors that have historically been resistant to conventional modalities ultimately enabling the generation of nucleic acid-based therapeutics with better tissue-selectivity, lower toxicity, and superior efficacy.
We welcome enquiries from all interested candidates. Starting date is 1stSeptember 2024.
For formal enquiries please contact Prof. Achille Giacometti (achille.giacometti@unive.it).
Two postdoc positions open in Biological and Statistical Physics - Naples, IT
Duration: 18 months, extendable for 1 more year. Salary: 40kEUR
They focus on the investigation of the 3D organisation and regulation of chromosomes by use of polymer physics, computer simulations and experimental data analysis, within an EU-US collaboration.
For general info visit: https://people.na.infn.it/~nicodem/
For informal enquiries, additional details and application procedure write to Mario.Nicodemi@na.infn.it
From Mario Nicodemi Mario.Nicodemi@na.infn.it
Bando per il reclutamento di un "Ricercatore", terzo Livello Professionale, con contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato e regime di impegno a tempo pieno, presso INAF-IAPS, Roma
E’ disponibile una posizione di ricercatore a tempo determinato presso l’INAF-Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario di Roma (https://www.iaps.inaf.it/it) nell’ambito del Progetto: “ASAP - Automatics in SpAce exPloration” - Horizon Europe (https://asap-space.eu/). Gli obiettivi scientifici del progetto ASAP sono lo sviluppo di metodi di intelligenza artificiale per l’elaborazione a bordo dei dati di missioni spaziali. In quest’ambito, ci si dovrà occupare dello studio e dello sviluppo/ottimizzazione di algoritmi di Machine Learning per il trattamento a bordo dei dati forniti da strumenti per la misura delle funzioni di distribuzione di ioni ed elettroni del plasma spaziale e per la misura delle particelle energetiche. Il bando con la relativa documentazione per l’adesione è disponibile al link: https://www.iaps.inaf.it/it/lavora-con-noi/bandi-di-concorso/tempo-determinato/bando-2024_inafric_iaps_asap_td-posizione-01 Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 24 marzo 2024.
One post-doctoral fellowship at Enrico Fermi Research Center (CREF), Rome
We are looking for candidates with an economics or physics background and some exposure to, or high degree of interest in, Economic Complexity, Optimal Transport theory or phase transitions.
We offer one post-doctoral fellowship focusing on the field of Optimal Transport in Complex Systems. This unique opportunity will offer the selected candidate a chance to delve into a cutting-edge area within Economic Complexity. Optimal Transport theory finds practical applications in analyzing real data from complex systems, including international trade and ecological mutualistic systems. Potential research approaches will cover data analysis, theoretical modeling with special emphasis on growth models in economics, statistical physics, and the study of phase transitions. The successful candidate will demonstrate a strong track record and background in at least one of the mentioned areas.
Pre- (close to Ph.D. completion) and Post-doctoral candidates with a background in Physics, Economics, Statistics, and Computer Science or equivalent will be considered.
One-year appointment with the possibility of 1-year extension. The call is availableat: https://cref.it/bando-224-assegno-di-ricerca-formativo-progetto-prin-2022-wecare/, deadline 26 February 2024.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Dario Mazzilli (dario.mazzilli@cref.it) if you need any further information.
Enrico Fermi Research Center (CREF), Rome (https://cref.it/)
Two postdoctoral positions at the University of Bologna
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the research group led by Lorenzo Piroli, at the University of Bologna, to start in fall 2024 (the starting date is flexible).
The deadline for application (including the mandatory receipt of two recommendation letters) is February 14. The application should be submitted via the web form available at https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=67732
The positions are funded by the ERC starting grant QUANTHEM (Quantum Synthetic Models for Entangled Matter Out of Equilibrium). The duration is two years, which can be renewed for two more years.
The research area is at the intersection of quantum many-body physics and quantum information theory. Specific topics include:
- quantum cellular automata and quantum circuits
- measurement-induced quantum phase transitions
- quantum chaos and quantum information scrambling
- tensor-network theory
- quantum-state preparation protocols for many-body physics
- integrable models and generalised hydrodynamics
The ideal candidate has either analytical or computational skills (particularly including tensor network techniques) and research experience in either many-body quantum physics, statistical mechanics, statistical field theory, or quantum-information theory.
Further information can be found at the link: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=67732
One postdoctoral research associate position available in the Disordered System Group at King’s College London
One postdoctoral research associate position is available in the Disordered System Group at King’s College London, under the supervision of Dr Paola Ruggiero, to start in October 2024. The deadline to apply is February 25th.
Further information about the fellowship, the project, and how to apply can be found at the following link:
One funded PhD position at King’s College London
One funded PhD position is available at King’s College London. This is to be co-supervised by Dr Paola Ruggiero and Prof Benjamin Doyon, and to start in October 2024. The deadline to apply is February 2nd.
The PhD project covers a broad range of topics in statistical physics and quantum many-body systems. A general description of the project and further information about the PhD fellowship can be found at the following link:
In order to express their interest, candidates need to apply via the King's application system for an Applied Mathematics Research Degree in the Mathematics Department, using the same link given above.
For questions/problems about the online process, they can send an email to: pgr-mathematics@kcl.ac.uk.
One postdoc positions on Economic Complexity at the Institute of Complex Systems, Rome
One postdoc positions on Economic Complexity at the Institute of Complex Systems, Rome, focusing on data-driven physical and economic applications of machine learning and complex network algorithms.
Candidates are expected to have a background in Physics, Economics, Statistics, and Computer Science or equivalent; experience with empirical analysis of large and granular data sets, machine learning, and econometrics is desired but not compulsory.
One-year appointment with the possibility of one-year extension, starting in February 2023: http://bandi.urp.cnr.it/doc-assegni/documentazione/15187_DOC_IT.pdf
Interested candidates may contact Scientific Coordinators of each position for any question: andrea.zaccaria@cnr.it
The deadline is 12 January 2024.
Opening of a postdoc position in Rome, Italy
Opening of a post-doc position at Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) within the research project "Complexity, disorder and fluctuations: spin glass physics and beyond". Deadline January 21, 2024. The position is for one year and it is renewable for a second year. Candidates with strong background in statistical physics, preferably spin glass theory, are encouraged to apply following instructions at
Postdoc positions in Statistical Physics at SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste (Italy)
Up to two postdoctoral positions in the Statistical Physics Group at SISSA are available starting in autumn 2024.
The positions have a duration of two years and the successful candidates are expected to work in the area of quantum field theory and statistical physics, broadly defined.
See http://www.sissa.it/statistical/ for a list of the current group members and their research interests.
Application (including a CV with list of publications, a brief research statement, and the names of at least two referees) via Academic Jobs Online:
Deadline for applications: January 6th, 2024.
2-year postdoc position in the Atomic Frequency Standards group at the National Metrological Institute, Turin, Italy
Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the Atomic Frequency Standards group at the National Metrological Institute, Turin, Italy (https://labafs.inrim.it/). The research fellow will collaborate with Gianluca Bertaina and develop new efficient and parallel numerical methods for many-body open quantum systems, merging time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo variational methods
and stochastic unraveling of master equations, within a research collaboration including the University of Milan (M. Genoni and Davide E. Galli). The aim is to simulate multilevel atom-photon systems, which are relevant for trapped cold atoms coupled to optical cavities, with single-atom dephasing and decay terms. Research will be conducted in contact with the INRIM experimental groups building optical atomic clocks, aiming at contributing to the design of novel setups exploiting spin-squeezing generation in a cavity-enhanced optical clock with Strontium atoms. A recent related publication is https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15725.
The ideal candidate is expert in one or more of the following:
-Theory of open quantum systems
-Atomic physics and light-matter interaction
-Numerical methods for many-body quantum systems
Willingness to bridge theoretical and experimental research is very appreciated.
This position is sponsored by the Italian Research Ministry, within the PRIN 2022 project "Efficient simulation and design of quantum control strategies for many-body quantum systems" (CONTRABASS). Details can be found at https://bandi.miur.it/bandi.php/public/fellowship/id_fellow/249868.
Deadline is December 12, 2023.
Please also contact directly G. Bertaina (g.bertaina@inrim.it) for application instructions.
Various positions in Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL) TU Dresden, Germany
The new interdisciplinary institute, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL) TU Dresden, Germany, has several available positions.
PoL aims to address biological questions through physical perspectives, and we are welcoming researchers from diverse fields, including physics, biology and engineering.
We have three programs for different career stages: https://physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de/career-education
Excellence Postdoc program: this is a program to provide scientific independence and generous support to outstanding postdocs. They can choose multiple mentors/groups to work with.
PhD program: PhD positions are offered through the Dresden International Graduate School Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) at TU Dresden.
Master course program: masters positions are offered through CMCB Physics of Life course.
Two postdoc positions open in Biological and Statistical Physics - Naples, IT
They focus on the investigation of the 3D organisation and regulation of the genome by use of polymer physics, computer simulations and experimental data analysis, within an EU-US collaboration. For more info write to Mario.Nicodemi@na.infn.it and visit: https://people.na.infn.it/~nicodem/
From Mario Nicodemi Mario.Nicodemi@na.infn.it
Opening for one position as Postdoc Researcher in Data/Network Science at at CNR/POLIMI/CREF
We are seeking a highly motivated and talented researcher to join our project CODE (Coupling Opinion Dynamics with Epidemics), funded by the Italian Ministry for Research (MUR) under the PRIN-PNRR 2022 program for research projects of relevant national interest.
The CODE project aims to investigate the intricate relationship between opinion formation, online information diffusion, and disease spread, analyzing data patterns and relationships to develop a data-driven modeling framework. The role of the candidate will include: studying the co-diffusion of disease and information/opinion, parameterizing network structures, and implementing scalable tools for simulating infectious disease spread in geo-localized populations.
The project involves three partners:
The CNR unit (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) led by Dr. Stefano Guarino (Institute for Applied Calculus) and Dr. Francesca Colaiori (Institute for Complex Systems), based in Rome.
The CREF unit (Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi) led by Dr. Fabio Saracco and based in Rome.
The POLIMI unit (Politecnico di Milano) led by Prof. Marco Brambilla, Prof. Carlo Piccardi and Dr. Francesco Pierri, based in Milan.
We are seeking a candidate who:
Is fluent in English, both spoken and written;
Holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Computer Engineering, or related quantitative fields.
Candidates holding an M.Sc. in the same areas and/or having any documentable research experience will also be considered and are encouraged to apply.
The ideal candidate should possess good communication skills, work effectively in a collaborative research environment, and be proficient in at least one programming language (preferably, Python, R, or C). They should demonstrate specific expertise in at least one of the following research topics:
Web scraping, data collection, indexing and processing of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data;
Modeling and analysis of complex networks and social networks;
Analysis of data from social media and (dis)information diffusion phenomena, including through NLP techniques;
Computational epidemiology;
High-performance and/or parallel software development.
Speaking Italian is a plus but not essential.
The candidate will be involved in (at least one of) the following research activities:
Conduct in-depth research on opinion dynamics, online information diffusion, and disease spread;
Mine and analyze large-scale data measurements to identify patterns and relationships;
Parameterize network structures and disease/information transmission rates based on spatio-temporal attributes;
Collaborate in the development of an open-source tool for simulating infectious disease spread;
Evaluate the impact of news outlets, propaganda, influencers, and extremist speech on public discourse and epidemic evolution;
Contribute to the identification of effective epidemic response strategies based on public opinions and behaviors.
In addition, they will have the opportunity to:
Publish research findings in top-tier conferences and journals.
Participate in project meetings, workshops, and conferences to disseminate research outcomes and foster collaborations.
Contract Type and Salary
The contract is full-time, non-permanent with a duration of 1 year and the possibility of renewal. The salary will be approximately 1700-2000 EUR net monthly, commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Flexible/Remote working hours will be allowed.
Starting Date
The position will be officially advertised in November/December 2023 and start in January/February 2024.
How to Apply
To show your interest, please send an e-mail to Dr. Stefano Guarino (s.guarino@iac.cnr.it, c.c. francesca.colaiori@cnr.it), Dr. Francesco Pierri (francesco.pierri@polimi.it) and/or Dr. Fabio Saracco (fabio.saracco@cref.it), attaching:
Curriculum Vitae
LinkedIn/Google Scholar profile
Sample publications (if any)
Academic/Professional references
Archivio bandi chiusi
Posizione Post-dottorato (assegno di ricerca) su temi di Meccanica Statistica all'Università di Salerno
L'università di Salerno sta per aprire una posizione post dottorato (assegno di ricerca) su temi di Meccanica Statistica, della durata di 2 (+1) anni. Per informazioni gli interessati possono contattare direttamente il Prof. Federico Corberi all'indirizzo (fcorberi@unisa.it).
Post-doc in Theoretical Biophysics at Sartori Group, Gulbenkian Institute, Lisbon
The position is to work on the field of theoretical biophysics, broadly understood. Research interests include: self-assembly of protein systems, cellular energetics, and evolution of ecosystems. Candidates should:
Hold a PhD in statistical physics, disordered systems, soft matter, or non-linear dynamics.
Be interested in biology, no prior experience required.
Be open to multidisciplinary approaches, including collaborating with experimental groups.
More information at https://www.sartorilab.org/apply
3-year post-doc (RTD-A) positions at IMT, Lucca
The NETWORKS unit at the IMT School of Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy, just opened two 3-year post-doc (RTD-A) positions in the topics "Complexity, resilience and sustainability of physical, biological, economic and ecological systems". The contracts will start on April 1st, 2023 at the latest.
Find the call for applications here. The deadline for submitting applications, which is possible only via the online system (and requires a preliminary registration) is January 12th, 2023 at 13:00 CET. Applicants should be in possession of a PhD degree before the deadline.
Excellent applicants with diverse background, from pure mathematics to physics, computer science, biology, ecology, economics and social science are welcome.
We are looking for young scientists to carry out research on the complexity, resilience and sustainability of physical, biological, economic and ecological systems. Possible research topics include the complexity of real-world systems and networks, the resilience of financial and economic systems, the sustainability of cities, the stability and biodiversity of ecosytems, the efficiency and metabolism of biological and technological systems. We welcome a combination of mathematical (e.g. random graph theory, statistical physics), computational and data-driven approaches. The candidate has a multidisciplinary attitude and interest in acquiring knowledge from multiple scientific fields.
For more information, please contact Prof. Diego Garlaschelli (diego.garlaschelli@imtlucca.it).
Postdoctoral positions in Statistical Physics at SISSA, Trieste
The SISSA Statistical Physics Group expects to make few 2-years post-doctoral research appointments, beginning in autumn 2023. The scientific interests of the group include quantum and conformal integrable models, entanglement in many-body systems, cold atoms, classical and quantum non-equilibrium statistical physics, quantum quenches and thermalization, holography, classical and quantum disorder systems. A complete description of the research interests of the group and a list of its current members can be found at http://www.sissa.it/statistical/.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, and at least two letters of recommendation.
The deadline for applications is *January 7th 2023*, but earlier submissions are encouraged.
Applications can be done here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23831
Posizione RtdA presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei” della Università di Padova
The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Padua (Italy) invites applications from highly motivated and outstanding candidates for a post-doctoral fellowship (RtdA, 3yrs) in the LIPH lab (Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems). Our Lab addresses a wide range of fundamental problems pertaining to biological complexity, including critical phenomena in living interacting systems, quantitative modelling of biodiversity across scales of ecological complexity and statistical physics approaches to neuroscience. Diverse efforts are mainly geared towards the search for common physical principles underlying biological phenomena. The successful candidate will develop models for understanding universal empirical patterns in complex ecological communities. They will characterise specific features of interacting living systems by using tools borrowed from non-equilibrium statistical physics, including the physics of disordered systems. Further details on the post upon request (sandro.azaele@unipd.it or amos.maritan@unipd.it). After 18/11 details on the application process will be available at http://www.dfa.unipd.it/servizi/settore-direzione-ricerca-e-terza-missione/concorsi-e-selezioni/ricercatore/selezioni-aperte-o-in-svolgimento/
Assegno di ricerca annuale (rinnovabile fino a 3 anni) presso l'Università di Salerno
Presso l'università di Salerno (dipartimento di Fisica) è bandito un assegno di ricerca annuale (rinnovabile fino a 3 anni) nel settore disciplinare FIS/02 (Fisica Teorica), su temi di meccanica statistica. Il responsabile scientifico è Federico Corberi, cui eventuali candidati possono rivolgersi per ulteriori informazioni. Il link al bando di concorso è il seguente: https://web.unisa.it/uploads/rescue/67/9350/df-riemissione-bando-di-concorso-fis-02-ateneo-2020-.pdf
RTDA in Fisica Teorica presso il gruppo di Fisica Statistica di Parma
E' aperta una posizione di ricercatore triennale RTDA in Fisica Teorica (02/A2 - FIS/02) nel gruppo di Fisica Statistica di Parma, nell'ambito di una collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Neuroscienze nel progetto PNRR PE n.12.
Per Informazioni: raffaella.burioni@unipr.it
Post-Doc in Random Walks, Como, Italy
The call is for one-year position at the University of Insubria, Como (Italy), The research theme is on statistical properties of non-homogeneous random walks.
Applications and further informations though the link https://www.uninsubria.it/opportunita/n-1-assegno-di-ricerca-junior-dal-titolo-propriet%C3%A0-statistiche-di-cammini-aleatori-non
For informal enquiries please contact roberto.artuso@uninsubria.it
Post-Doc in Biological Physics, INFN BioPhys consortium, Italy
The call is open for a 2 years Post-Doc in Biological Physics in the INFN BioPhys consortium, Italy (deadline Nov. 11th 2022). It is restricted to non-Italian residents. Salary is around 31k EUR/year.
The INFN BioPhys consortium works on different topics at the frontier between statistical physics, computer simulations and molecular biology (https://web.infn.it/CSN4/index.php/it/17-esperimenti/200-biophys-home). In Naples, for example, we investigate the mechanisms whereby human chromosomes are folded in the nucleus of cells (see, e.g., Beagrie et al., Nature 543, 519 (2017); Bianco et al., Nature Gen. 50, 662 (2018); Conte et al., Nature Com. 11, 3289 (2020); Fiorillo et al. Nature Meth. 18, 482 (2021); Winick-Ng, et al. Nature 599, 684 (2021); Conte et al. Nature Comm. 13, 4070 (2022)).
The ideal candidate should have a background in Statistical Mechanics. She/He will work in the group of our consortium of her/his choice. More info is available at our web-page (http://people.na.infn.it/~nicodem) or via email. Informal enquiries to: mario.nicodemi@na.infn.it
The call (n. 24736, research topic n.9) and the application procedure are detailed here:
PhD in Molecular Tribology: Theory, Computation and Experiment
We are seeking a PhD student with the equivalent of a First Class Honours or Master’s degree in physical chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, mechanical/chemical engineering or an equivalent discipline to participate in an Australian Research Council Discovery Project on the Molecular Design of Complex Lubricants to Reduce Friction. This exciting PhD project involves collaboration between teams at Swinburne University of Technology and RMIT University in Melbourne, and Imperial College London, UK. The student will have a unique opportunity to contribute towards the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of the project and will spend up to 12 months at Imperial College London working “hand-on” on the experiments.
Theoretical and computational work will be performed at Swinburne and will involve the use of the LAMMPS software package and in-house software to perform nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of appropriate lubricants under conditions of high confinement, large shear rates, and extreme temperatures and pressures. Experience in C++ programming, the LAMMPS package, or the ability to become quickly proficient would be an advantage.
The position will be primarily located at the Hawthorn (Melbourne) campus of Swinburne University of Technology and the successful applicant will be required to formally enrol in the University’s PhD program. A period of up to 12 months will also be spent at Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, in the Tribology Group working alongside Dr Janet Wong and Prof. Daniele Dini on the experimental component of the project. Further, there is some flexibility for the candidate to spend time in Italy and working remotely for up to 6 months, if needed.
The annual tax-free stipend is $27,596 (indexed) for three years (with possible 6 month extension) with tuition fees paid for up to four years and a thesis allowance. In addition, there is an allowance for conference attendance/professional development.
Further details can be obtained from Professor Billy Todd (btodd@swin.edu.au).
Several open positions at Complex Multilayer Networks (CoMuNe) Lab
At the Complex Multilayer Networks (CoMuNe) Lab we have several job openings for young talented early-career researchers:
1 fully funded PhD scholarship
1 junior postdoc
1 senior postdoc
1 possibility for junior/senior postdoc for researchers from Ukraine only
to work for 3 years on networks and population dynamics within an international consortium (Israel & UK). Starting date is October 2022, and January 2023 for the junior postdoc.
Deadlines: mostly in May 2022.
Ideal candidates are statistical physicists with expertise in network science and complex systems from theoretical and computational perspectives. The positions come with funding for traveling (including research stay in Israel/UK) and open-access publications.
There are also additional openings at predoctoral, postdoctoral and non-tenured assistant professorship levels, to work with me at the CoMuNe Lab. All the required information is available here: https://manliodedomenico.com/collaborate.php
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me (manlio.dedomenico@unipd.it) for further details.
The CoMuNe Lab is located at the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy "Galileo Galilei", within the research area on Statistical Physics of Complex and Biological Systems (https://www.dfa.unipd.it/en/research/research-areas-and-groups/theoretical-condensed-matter-physics/statistical-physics-of-complex-and-biological-systems/), which involves several faculty members working on complex systems.
The University of Padua, founded in 1222, is ranked among the best 4 Italian universities, and one of the best in the world for Physics. It is the world's fifth-oldest university still in operation, after University of Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge and Salamanca. It hosted Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro (1853–1925), Tullio Levi-Civita (1873-1941), among others, and on 25 June 1678, Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, a Venetian noblewoman and mathematician, became the first woman to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Tenure-track position in Networks and Data Science at IMT Lucca (Italy)
The deadline for expressions of interest is March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (italian time)
The candidate must have an excellent scientific production and a solid experience in network science and/or data science.
The position will strengthen one of the core missions of IMT Lucca in the multidisciplinary analysis of complex systems dynamics, via the application of data-driven methods (e.g. mathematical, physical, statistical or machine learning models) and/or network-based methods (e.g. agent-based models; percolation models; models for network inference from observed time series). The ideal candidate is a scholar with a solid research background in network science and/or data science at the international level, an excellent publication track record, with clear evidence of the results achieved so far and future perspectives. A specific experience in teaching at the post-graduate (master and doctorate) level will be considered as a plus. Candidates should be open to interdisciplinary collaborations in order to develop quantitative methods for data analysis and apply them to study problems of interest in the context of the natural, social, economic, financial sciences and engineering (e.g. the diffusion of epidemics, the propagation of signals and shocks, the formation of opinions). The candidate will contribute to the teaching and research activities of the School. Knowledge of the Italian language is not required.
Potential candidates are invited to fill in the form by attaching:
a curriculum vitae and the list of publications
a letter of motivation
three names of experts to whom letters of reference may be requested.
Link: http://www.imtlucca.it/en/the-imt-school/job-opportunities/academic-positions/international-scouting
Deadline: March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (italian time)
Post-Doc position (2+2 years) in Biological Physics at the Univ. of Naples "Federico II", Italy.
The statistical mechanics group at the Univ. of Naples "Federico II", IT, has a post-doc opening, starting Fall 2021, in Mario Nicodemi's team to investigate via polymer physics and computer simulations the mechanisms whereby human chromosomes are folded and regulated in the nucleus of cells to control gene activity (see, e.g., Bianco et al., Nature Gen. 50, 662 (2018); Conte et al., Nature Com. 11, 3289 (2020); Fiorillo et al. Nature Meth. 18, 482 (2021)). The ideal candidate should have a background in Statistical Mechanics. She/He will work within a collaboration including physicists and biologists across EU and US. Additional information is available at the group web-page or via email. Applications including CV, publication list, names of three referees in a single pdf, should be sent via email by Sept. 24th.
Email: mario.nicodemi@na.infn.it
Website: http://people.na.infn.it/~nicodem/
Post-doc on “Complex system and network theory”, Centro di Ricerche “Enrico Fermi” di Roma (www.cref.it)
Posizione per post-doc di un anno rinnovabile sul tema di ricerca “Complex system and network theory”, presso il Centro di Ricerche “Enrico Fermi” di Roma.
Link: https://cref.it/bando-821-conferimento-di-n-1-assegno-di-ricerca/
Assegni di Ricerca biennali (eventualmente rinnovabili per altri 2 anni) all'Università di Palermo
Bando per 16 assegni di Ricerca biennali (eventualmente rinnovabili per altri 2 anni) dell'Università di Palermo per discipline di diverse aree CUN.
Una posizione è riservata all'area CUN 02 Fisica. Il bando n.1498 del 16/06/2021 si può visionare presso l'albo ufficiale dell'Ateneo di Palermo ed è accessibile alla pagina web https://titulus-unipa.cineca.it/albo/viewer?view=files%2F004207485-UNPACLE-f7aef406-ff6f-4ec6-8685-2d4be7eaf1b5-000.pdf
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata al 16/07/2021.
Il bando richiede una dichiarazione firmata da parte del Direttore del Dipartimento ospitante di compatibilità del progetto di ricerca proposto con gli obiettivi del Dipartimento.
Deadline: 16 luglio 2021
Postdoc positions at the University of Barcelona
The University of Barcelona (UB) published a (Flash) Call for post-docs with very short deadline (30/07/2021), funded by the EU Recovery Funds to Spain, for 2 kinds of profiles:
1) Young doctors (who defended up to 2 years before the deadline)
Grant: 2 years of which the last must be spent at UB, while the first can be spent in another institution, but different from where they got their PhD.
2) Senior doctors working/teaching in an institution outside Spain (who a-- defended at least 2 years before the deadline, b-- had contract/post-docs for at least 2 years in an institution different from where they got the PhD, c-- have residency where they are now working)
Grant: 1 or 2 years.
For both positions: Starting date between 1/1 and 1/4/2022.
Contact gfranzese@ub.edu for detailed information.
Deadline: 30 luglio 2021
Post-doc in program Global@Venice at Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been awarded a Marie Curie Cofund program, called Global@Venice, that will allow 15 young and talented post-docs to work with us for 2 years with competitive Marie-Curie salaries. https://www.unive.it/pag/40610/
The Global@Venice Programme has an innovation ecosystem of 28 strategic partners, including spin-off companies, SMEs, large companies & research organisations, where the Fellows will have the opportunity to do secondments or training activities. https://www.unive.it/pag/40938/
Eligibility criteria are
Be in possession of a PhD degree awarded not later than 8 years prior to this call deadline.
Have at least one major publication without their PhD supervisor (either accepted, in press or published) at the time of deadline.
Have not resided or carried out their main activity in Italy for longer than 12 months during the 3 years prior to the call deadline, in compliance with the MSCA mobility rule.
Now the first call for proposals is now open at the link https://www.unive.it/pag/40618/
The number of offered fellowships in this call is 8 and the selection procedure will be Marie Curie-like with two important differences
High priority will be given to cross-disciplinary proposals that fall in one of the 6 global challenges topic defined by our University https://www.unive.it/pag/30766/
The final selection will be assessed though a direct interview of a short list of candidates that will be managed by a Selection Board.
More information at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QbxRv5Gk2I4XfNVLn8e2gBWk-bYTnm5p/view?usp=sharing
Postdoc positions on Statistical Mechanics and Complexity at Sapienza, University in Rome, Italy
The Chimera research group at the Physics Department of Sapienza University in Rome (G. Parisi, E. Marinari, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, L. Leuzzi and T. Rizzo) is opening postdoc positions starting Fall 2020 to work on several subjects related to complex systems: glasses, jamming, disordered models, spin glasses, statistical inference, machine learning, neural networks, optical systems in random media, etc. Candidates with an excellent background and interest in at least one of the subjects are invited to apply by sending a CV, as well as 2 or 3 names willing to provide a reference letter at address chimera.team@uniroma1.it
More details can be found at https://chimera.roma1.infn.it/JOBS/postdoc_202007.html
Link: https://chimera.roma1.infn.it/JOBS/postdoc_202007.html
2 years postdoc fellowship on “Statistical mechanics approaches to Machine Learning and protein structure generation” at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova
The statistical mechanics group in Padova seeks applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in Fall 2020. The project consists in studying polymers with simulations and machine learning techniques, with a particular focus on topological features as knots and links. The final aim is approaching the problem of protein structure prediction with machine learning methods. Interested candidates may contact Enzo Orlandini (enzo.orlandini@unipd.it) and Marco Baiesi (marco.baiesi@unipd.it) for more details.
PhD on Machine Learning for Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
Title: Machine Learning for Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra
The PhD in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials, will be awarded by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
We offer a four year position: The PhD student will spend three years in Venice and one year at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (in Winterthur, close to Zurich). For the year in Switzerland a significant higher compensation is offered due to the higher cost of living in the Zurich area.
Your responsibilities:
Develop machine learning tools for the analysis of NMR spectra
Become an expert in the field of machine learning for NMR technology, with a track record of published own research results and successful technology transfer
Apply for the PhD Program at Università Ca’ Foscari Venice.
The successful candidate has finished a Master’s degree in physics, physical chemistry, or computer science at a research university or a university of applied sciences within the last two years. He or she must have reliable experience in neural networks (e.g., done coursework and own experimentation, ideally proven by successful projects or publications). We expect a good command as well as a passion for programming, ideally in python. Good communication skills in English are also crucial for the work in multidisciplinary teams. The ideal candidate has sound knowledge of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and is interested in understanding the underlying quantum mechanics. The PhD candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and ZHAW. Particular emphasis is given to developing prototypes, experimenting hands-on with data, and scientific evaluation and publication of results.
Please address further enquiring to Prof. Achille Giacometti (achille.giacometti@unive.it )
More information at https://www.unive.it/pag/33115/
Ph.D. position in bionano interactions and modelling at RCSI-Dublin in collaboration with the University of Barcelona.
A funded Ph.D. position is available in the research group of Dr. Marco Monopoli in RCSI for a multidisciplinary research project in collaboration with Prof Giancarlo Franzese, University of Barcelona, in the area of nanotechnology, bionano interactions, and in silico modelling, essential to evaluate the potential toxicological impact of nanomaterials to living systems.
How to Apply and more information at: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/phd-in-nanotechnology-and-bionano-interactions/?p133069
3 postdoctoral fellowships in Stat Phys at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
The group of Statistical Physics at SISSA Trieste, Italy (http://www.sissa.it/statistical/ ), expects to make three 2-years post-doctoral research appointments, beginning in autumn 2021. The scientific interests of the group include quantum and conformal integrable models, entanglement in many-body systems, cold atoms, classical and quantum non-equilibrium statistical physics, quantum quenches and thermalization, holography, classical and quantum disorder systems.
For additional info and applications, see https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17224
Link: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17224
Deadline: 07 January 2020
3 tenure-track Assistant Professor positions at Bocconi University (Milan)
We are in the process of creating a new department and a new research institute at Bocconi University in Milan, in the fields of computing and mathematical sciences. The scope of this initiative is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds (computer science, applied math, theoretical physics, theoretical neuroscience and more) who share the interest to investigate fundamental challenging problems in computation and information theory and in modelling complex realities. We see the interdisciplinary nature of the project as an important strategic value.
In the next few years we will open a number of positions at all levels of seniority. We are now starting this process with three tenure-track Assistant Professor positions, two in Computer Science and one in Theoretical Statistical Physics.
The successful candidates will be expected to conduct cutting edge research, broadly contribute to the academic life of the department and of the research institute, and be effective teachers both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Compensation and teaching load will be competitive with the very top European Schools.
More detailed information on the positions (currently listed under the Decision Science Department) and on the online application procedure can be found at http://www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket.
Bocconi University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Applications are particularly welcome from women and members of groups who are under-represented in academic posts.
Deadlines: Applications for the Theoretical Statistical Physics position must be received by December 15th, 2020
Applications for the Computer Science position must be received by January 8th , 2021
Link: http://www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket
1 tenure-track faculty position at SISSA for Women in Physics (Trieste)
SISSA invites expressions of interest for a tenure-track faculty position from outstanding *female* candidates with a strong research record in any of the research fields in physics which are of interest for SISSA, see https://www.sissa.it/physics, including Statistical Physics.
Link: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17394
Deadline: January 9, 2021
Lecturer in Disordered Systems
Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Disordered Systems in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London. Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics or related areas, and research expertise in some area of Complex and Disordered Systems (understood in a broad sense). For example, but not exclusively, in statistical and quantum mechanics of systems with disorder, soft matter and glassy materials, econophysics, statistical inference and machine learning. A research record in studying non-equilibrium phenomena would be an advantage, but strong candidates in other relevant areas will be given a serious consideration.
Postdoctoral Fellowship at ICTP, Trieste, Italy
The Quantitative Life Sciences section of the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) seeks applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting fall 2020. Candidates should have a background in statistical mechanics and/or applied mathematics, and be able to carry out active, independent and multidisciplinary research in at least one of the following areas: Information processing in biological systems; High-dimensional model-free inference; Individual and collective behaviour in animals and machines.
Applications should be submitted online through: https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/QP20_2
Link: https://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/media-centre/news/2020/7/qls-postdocs-fall-2020.aspx
3 postdoc positions in mathematics and mathematical physics (including statistical mechanics and stochastic processes) at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
The appointment is for two years. Deadline July 23, 2020. Further information, including the research profiles, can be found at https://applications.gssi.it/postdoc/docs/2020-1/Callpostdoc2020.pdf
1 year Post-Doc position on complex systems, Department of Physics and Astronomy of Catania University, Italy
Project Prin2017: Stochastic forecasting in complex systems https://sites.google.com/view/stofocs/home
Contacts: Andrea Rapisarda andrea.rapisarda@unict.it
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/stofocs/home
Application: https://urly.it/36k5n
Deadline: 16 June 2020
PhD position at University of Padova and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on "Smart Indoor Climate Control strategies in buildings adopting Machine Learning"
The PhD position is at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Padova (Italy) and includes a period of 18 months in Trondheim (Norway) at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Candidates should apply to the general 2020 call for PhD positions by the Physics and Astronomy Department in Padova (open for one month from May 7), listed in this websites: https://www.unipd.it/en/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions. At page 91 of this document https://www.unipd.it/en/sites/en.unipd.it/files/Schede%20dottorati_36_EN_DEF.pdf you can find the details of the PhD call in Physics, Padova University, for 2020-2023. The PhD funded by NTNU appears at page 92: 1 scholarship funded by Norwegian University of Science and Technology- Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - Topic: Smart Indoor Climate Control strategies in buildings adopting Machine Learning. To access the competition for this specific fellowship, one should check the relative box while filling the form for the application: more general instructions on how to apply to the PhD call are available here https://www.unipd.it/en/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions. A Commission will select the best candidates by their records and by interview.
For questions, please contact one of the supervisors Chiara Bertolin (NTNU, Trondheim - mail: chiara.bertolin@ntnu.no) https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/chiara.bertolin and Marco Baiesi (University of Padova - mail: baiesi@pd.infn.it) https://www2.pd.infn.it/~baiesi
Link: https://www.unipd.it/dottorato/bandi-graduatorie and https://www.unipd.it/en/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions
Deadline: 16th June 2020
Postdoctoral fellowship in Statistical Physics at SISSA, Trieste - 2 years beginning in autumn 2020
Research topic: Dynamics and effective interactions in the presence of long-range forces or correlated/active media.
Supervisors: Andrea Gambassi, Stefano Ruffo (to be contacted for further details).
Application: https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/ar-fe-fisi-30-2020/
Deadline: 15 June 2020 (at 13:00 CET)
PhD Candidate in Survival Analysis at the Radboud University, Netherlands
Survival analysis is a branch of applied statistical modelling and inference which seeks to model time-to-event data, which are very common in medicine. As a PhD candidate, you will carry out research on survival analysis models for heterogeneous patient cohorts or diseases (e.g. frailty or latent class models, with emphasis on high-dimensional data), using mathematical, statistical and information-theoretic methods, as well as methods from statistical physics (e.g. the replica method). This research project is driven by the data analytics needs of modern medicine, which increasingly aims to target treatment to specific patient subgroups. We therefore envisage engaging data analytics in applying our innovations to real medical data. You will be expected to be comfortable working and discussing with researchers from different discipline backgrounds (mathematics, physics, statistics and medicine), and to have affinity for innovative mathematical, statistical and computational modelling as well as medical applications of new models and methods. You will also be expected to contribute to the supervision of MSc projects within the Faculty of Science and/or Radboud university medical center.
The gross starting salary amounts to €2,325 per month, and will increase to €2,972 in the fourth year (salary scale P). You will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years. The intended start date is 28 September 2020.
For further information, please visit https://www.ru.nl/werken-bij/vacature/details-vacature/?recid=1101059&doel=embed&taal=nl and contact Professor Ton Coolen (Tel.: +31 24 3614245, Email: a.coolen@science.ru.nl)
Link: https://www.ru.nl/werken-bij/vacature/details-vacature/?recid=1101059&doel=embed&taal=nl
Deadline: 7th June 2020
8 PhD Fellowships in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in October 2020
The 8 PhD fellowships including "4 years - € 16.159,91 gross yearly - free accommodation - free luncheon vouchers and canteen", are awarded in the area of Mathematics of GSSI, which includes also research in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and the statistical mechanics of complex and disordered systems. The statistical mechanics group of GSSI includes Prof. Errico Presutti, Prof. Stefano Olla, Dr. Giacomo Gradenigo and Dr. Serena Cenatiempo.
Please note that the duration of the PhD program at GSSI is of 4 years like SISSA: the first year is fully devoted to courses. In particular, before applying, we strongly recommend you to inquire for a possible PhD project under the supervision of Prof. Presutti, Prof. Olla or Dr. Gradenigo.
Possible topics are:
Prof. Presutti (errico.presutti@gssi.it), Prof. Olla (stefano.olla@gssi.it):
Macroscopic Transport Properties of Non-Equilibrium Stationary States
Hydrodynamic Limits of Interacting Particles Systems: Hyperbolic and Diffusive Systems of Conservation Laws from Microscopic Dynamics.
Dr. Gradenigo (giacomo.gradenigo@gssi.it):
Large Deviations approach to Localization and Ergodicity Breaking
Statistical mechanics of Disordered Systems
Integrable Systems and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
For more information, please consult the page www.gssi.it/phd/ or write an email to applications@gssi.it or call +39 0862 4280433 or write directly to giacomo.gradenigo@gssi.it
Link Call: https://applications.gssi.it/phd/docs/2020/Call%20PhD%20XXXVI.pdf
Link Online Application: https://applications.gssi.it/phd/
Deadline: 11th June 2020 at 5 pm (Italian time zone)
Senior Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics of Matter (RTDA) at University of Padova
The Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Padova invites applications for a position of Senior Research Fellow (RTDA under Italian Law) in Theoretical Physics of Matter. The RTDA is a three-year faculty position, possibly renewable for two further years. After a successful initial period, the RTDA fellow is expected to apply for a tenure-track RTDB position in our group or in other Italian universities to become an Associate Professor. The RTDA duties are focused on research and include teaching (no more than 90 hours of frontal lesson per year, typically less). The RTDA will join the theoretical physics of matter group of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, currently consisting of 15 staff members and about 20 postdocs and PhD students. Active research lines encompass quantum physics, including quantum technologies and ab-initio simulations, both equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, and related interdisciplinary applications to complex and biological systems. The successful candidate is expected to actively contribute to existing research lines and to establish her/his own ones. The gross salary will be approximatively € 36.000 per year. Only 10% of the gross salary will be taxed if the research fellow is moving to Italy after at least two years spent abroad.
Please contact aadriana.schiavon@unipd.it for additional information and visit https://www.dfa.unipd.it/index.php?id=2015 (in Italian) for more details on the application procedure.
Link: https://www.dfa.unipd.it/index.php?id=2015
Deadline: 4th June 2020
Bando per assegno di ricerca di tipo B presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano
Segnaliamo il bando per un assegno di ricerca di tipo B della durata di 12 mesi, nell'ambito del programma di ricerca PRIN dal titolo "Mathematical Quantum Matter", presso il Dipartimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques" dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, sotto la guida del Prof. Vieri Mastropietro. La ricerca riguarda proprietà di universalità in coefficienti di trasporto per sistemi di particelle quantistiche interagenti (conduttività Hall, semimetalli di Weyl) e persistenza di localizzazione con interazione in modelli fermionici a molti corpi (many body localization), utilizzando le tecniche del Gruppo di Rinormalizzazione.
Deadline: 03 giugno 2020
5 PhD fellowships in STATISTICAL PHYSICS starting in OCTOBER 2020
The 4-year PhD course in Statistical Physics includes an initial eight-month intensive training period with lectures on a number of advanced topics. Students then engage in their own research under the supervision of a faculty member of their choice, in a lively and truly international scientific environment, stimulated by weekly seminars, journal clubs, colloquia, and by the presence of ca. 300 PhD students on SISSA campus ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYB3Q0Bq6kg ). Info and application form: https://www.statphys.sissa.it/
Postdoctoral position at King's College London (2 years)
The successful candidate is expected to be working in close collaboration with Dr Pierpaolo Vivo and his Quantitative and Digital Law Lab team [quantlaw.co.uk] on the project `Taming the Complexity of the Law: modelling and visualisation of dynamically interacting legal systems’, funded by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. The successful candidate will be working towards producing a network-based and navigable visualisation toolbox for UK Acts and bills, and designing a novel metric to estimate the structural complexity of the law. The main tasks will include (but will not be limited to): (i) Extraction of data from the official government website www.legislation.gov.uk. (ii) Construction of the proptotype of an interactive visualisation interface, including cross-references, amendments and time-changes in a predefined set of UK Acts. (iii) Network analysis of empirical features of Acts and bills, with the aim to construct a quantitative complexity indicator for legal texts. The ideal candidate will be either (i) a theoretical physicist/mathematician with a strong data-science and Complex Network background, or (ii) a computer scientist/software engineer with a strong interest in complexity science. Working experience in data extraction and manipulation will be essential, and design expertise in the domain of digital humanities/social science for the visualisation aspects will be an advantage. The post will involve high-quality research and will lead to the delivery of high-impact outputs.
Postdoctoral position at the Institute for Complex Systems CNR, Rome (Italy)
The ideal training is in statistical physics. The research will focus on theoretical and computational modelling of active transport of biopolymers across nano-confined geometries. Other research topics will be in the field of granular and active matter and stochastic thermodynamics, within the research project "Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena (CO-NEST)". The candidate will be involved in collaborations between F. Cecconi, A. Puglisi, A. Sarracino, P. Politi and A. Baldassarri.
The position is for one year with automatic renewal for a second year following satisfactory progress, starting in early 2020. Interested candidates should send their CV to alessandro.sarracino@unicampania.it
Assegno di ricerca di tipo B presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano
Viene indetto un concorso per titoli e colloquio per il conferimento di un assegno di ricerca di tipo B della durata di 12 mesi eventualmente rinnovabile, per l’area scientifico-disciplinare delle Scienze matematiche e informatiche riservato a dottori di ricerca e a laureati.
Il conferimento dell’assegno comporta la realizzazione presso il Dipartimento di Matematica “Federigo Enriques” dell’Università degli Studi di Milano e sotto la guida del Prof. Vieri Mastropietro nell'ambito del programma di ricerca dal titolo “Mathematical Quantum Matter”, delle attività che sono sinteticamente qui riportate:
1) Proprietà di universalità in coefficienti di trasporto;
2) Persistenza di localizzazione con interazione in modelli a molti corpi.
Per maggiori informazioni sull'assegno di ricerca, sul bando di concorso e sulle modalità di partecipazione: