
Communications is the base upon which successful organizations build their growth strategies.  Members, donors, customers, shareholders, board members, employees, press agencies, the public, and business partners all require effective communication strategies that are sometimes neglected.  From basic emails (that can make or break a deal) to group facilitation (where future growth is on the line), these strategies should be in the hands of experienced communication professionals.  Not only do you need to know WHAT to need to know what NOT to do.  If there is something you need done that is not listed on this site, please give me a call or schedule a free consultation to ask about it.  I may have an option for you. 


Word-smithing is not for everyone.  Sometimes you give it a great shot and just need someone to give it the once over.  Other times, you are not quite sure what words need to come together to covey your message properly.  Whether those words are for websites, annual reports, marketing materials, press releases, articles for publication or any other form of messaging, it helps to have an editor extraordinaire on your side.  Fishing Buddy Studios has you covered.


Planning is more than just putting goals on paper.  It's about understanding the situation you are in.  It's about understanding the industry, your partners, and your competitors.  It's about communicating a simple plan of action that everyone can understand and appreciate.  And it's not always easy to do, which is why so many companies get it wrong.  


Loyal 2 local

Fishing Buddy Studios partnered with the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce to create campaign supporting their mission and vision.  This campaign included creative brainstorming, copywriting, press release preparation, and audio/visual storytelling.  

Meet the Press

Working with the press can strike fear into unprepared businesses and organizations.  The media tells stories that impact local residents, and can be your greatest ally if you work it properly.  I've learned a thing or two after 12 years of media experience.  Not only can I help you craft the perfect message to deliver to the press, but your messages will be on point.  Fishing Buddy Studios will give you the confidence to promote your work.  

Content Creation

WEb Content

You need copy that will sell your brand and inspire your audience to act...I will help you write it.


If you are not reaching your stakeholders through electronic're missing the ball.  Constant contact with your stakeholders, bringing value to their inbox is the key.

Social Media

Targeting your stakeholders on social media takes some time and strategy.  I can help you create messages that resonate with the people who care about what you do.