First Visit?

First Visit?

What to Expect

We know the first visit can be a little daunting as you're not sure what to expect. Here are some common questions answered we hope will help you navigate your first visit.

First Visit?

Q: What do I wear?

A: Come as you are! Wear your Sunday best or your everyday clothes.  As long as you are comfortable, we are just glad you are here!

Q: What can I expect?

A: Service starts at 10:00 AM.  You will be welcomed in by a Greeter who will hand you the service program and welcome you into the sanctuary.  You will often find people in the dining area talking over coffee before service. Our screen at the front will display announcements as everyone takes their seats.  Service starts with welcoming prayers and congregation announcements and prayer requests.  After a scripture reading and hymns, we have a children's message. After which, they head to Children's Church for their fun lessons.

The sermon message usually lasts about 30 minutes, along with more hymns. Service ends around 11:00.

Q: Will I be asked to give money?

A: The offertory is toward the beginning of service for all those who wish to give. Visitors are not expected to give, but it is always welcome.

Q: Is there Sunday School for my children?

A: Yes! Sunday School occurs during service.