Morning Messages

Wednesday, June 17

Today is our LAST day of first grade. Can you believe it?! I hope you will come to our last Miller Meet at 11AM today. Wear your sunglasses and summer gear- it's time to celebrate your hard work!

I am so very proud of all of you for your flexibility and perseverance during this tricky, confusing time. Make sure you take a minute to be grateful to yourselves too. Hugs to all of you and be sure to have some fun this summer (be safe!)

I love you all!

Ms. Miller

Tuesday, June 16

Did you watch the talent show last night?! I was so proud to see some of our kids showing their stuff. Great job to all!


Ms. Miller

Monday, June 15


Check out your awesome specials schedule for the next few days! I will be chatting with your parents while you have fun together :)


Ms. Miller

Friday, June 12

Happy Friday!

Today at our 11 o'clock meet we will share our favorite memories from this school year. Was it our trip to the farm? Was it giggles we shared in the classroom? Was it reading a special book? Was it playing sparkle?

The Dance By is TODAY from 1-3 at FMA. I will be there, I hope I can can wave goodbye to you!!!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, June 11

How are you doing with vowel teams? It's a hard skill but will help you read lots and lots of words! Keep looking for them in your reading. Hey! There were 4 vowel teams in this message! Can you find them all?


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, June 10

Are you coming to the Dance By on Friday? I will be there! I would love to see you to wave goodbye before the summer, and I know Ms. Harris would love to see you too.


Ms. Miller


Tuesday, June 9

Hello all!

Did you know that eggs come in many different colors and sizes? These eggs are from a farm. What do you notice about them? What do you wonder?


Ms. Miller

Monday, June 8

Good Morning!

I moved this weekend. Have you moved before? It is a lot of work!

Please make sure you send me your secret projects for Ms. Harris today.


Ms. Miller

Friday, June 5

Today we will share the pages we made for Ms. Harris during our 11am Miller Meet! Hope to see you there!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, June 4

Tomorrow we will create a special book for Ms. Harris. Your job is to draw a picture of Ms. Harris and write a letter or poem about how much she means to you. Please make sure to email these by Monday so that we can put it together for her before the Dance-by party!


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, June 3

Good morning!

If you want to be part of the Talent Show, all entries are due tomorrow by 3pm! Make sure you practice!


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, June 2

Did you know that we will have field day and a talent show?! Check out Coach Evan's website for some more information!


Ms. Miller

Monday, June 1

Today is the first day of June! We only have 2 1/2 more weeks of school. You have all been working so hard to do your learning at home. Let's finish strong and get ready for 2nd grade!


Ms. Miller

Friday, May 29

Today I have some grown-up things to do, so I will not be able to come to our Miller Meet. Don't worry, Ms. Sashain will be there and make sure it is lots of fun! I will see you next week.


Ms. Miller

Thursday, May 28

I am feeling so happy because my best friend Gina had her first baby yesterday! We have been friends since Kindergarten. That means we've been friends for 26 years! It is so nice to have old friends- they know you the best!


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, May 27

Good Morning!

What a beautiful week we are having! Mr. Dan and I have been going out for lots of walks. We like to go early in the morning because most people are still asleep, so we can be free without masks. What is your favorite time to go outside?


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, May 26

Hello First Graders!

Yesterday was Memorial Day. That is a holiday we have in America to remember all the people who have died fighting to keep our country safe. We say the pledge to the flag as an everyday reminder of that, too.


Ms. Miller

Friday, May 22

Happy Friday!

I am looking forward to seeing you today! I also wanted to tell you I am so proud of all the reading you are doing at home. It is so fun for me to listen to you as you grow as readers!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, May 21

Tomorrow we will meet and share another page from our nonfiction books. If your family sends me a picture of the page, I can show it big for all the kids to see during our classroom meeting!


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, May 20

Good Morning!

How is phonics going this week? Mark my words, bossy r is far from hard! (The dark words, or bold words, are all bossy r!)


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, May 19

Hello! Did you know our school will have a new principal next year? Her name is Ms. Rounds. Ms. Harris will still visit our school a lot, so don't worry- she'll still be close by!


Ms. Miller

The largest plants are cucumbers. The others are tomatoes, jalapenos, habaneros, and sweet peppers.

Monday, May 18

Good Morning, Kids!

I had to move my plants into bigger pots. This is called transplanting. The roots need more room to grow! I think they look happy again. What do you think?


Ms. Miller

Friday, May 15

Happy Friday, Friends! Our meeting is at 11 as usual. Make sure you bring your newest nonfiction book to share with your friends.


Ms. Miller

This is me, Nanny, and my sister Beth last Christmas. It was back when we didn't have to wear masks!

Thursday, May 14

Tomorrow is my Nanny's birthday. She will be 87 years old! Nanny was a teacher just like me. She taught 3rd grade for 32 years! That's longer than my WHOLE life! She is one of my favorite people of all time. Do you have an older person who you love?


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, May 13

I have been dreaming of places I would like to go once we can move more freely! I would really like to see the ocean again. What are you dreaming about?


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, May 12

Guess what? My sister baked us another new treat! These are called croissants (cruh-sont-s). They are very yummy with jam or butter. Remember I told you she went to college for baking? Her classes were called Cookies, Cakes, and Breads, just to name a few! Doesn't that sound like fun!?


Ms. Miller

Monday, May 11

This is my mom and dad. My brother and sister and I surprised my mom by visiting on Mother's Day! We had to stay very far apart and all wear masks (and still no hugs because we don't live in the same house) but it made her feel very happy. Did you do our secret surprise for your mom yesterday like we talked about? If you forgot, make sure you do today! Moms work hard for us every day and deserve lots of love and thanks!


Ms. Miller

4-1 Writer's workshop Pravin nonfiction 4-1-20.pdf

Friday, May 8

Happy Friday! Can't wait to see you at our classroom meet at 11. Remember to try to wear blue and purple to celebrate Laila's birthday! We will each share a page from our nonfiction stories so make sure you have yours close by!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, May 7

Good morning! Look how big the plants in my garden are getting! I had to move the cucumbers to bigger pots so their roots could stretch out and grow some more. I wonder why some of the plants are growing more slowly. What do you think is the reason?


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, May 6

I have been having so much fun reading with some of you this week! If you have not yet, make sure you sign up for a time to do weekly Guided Reading with me! I will have a book on the screen that we can read together so I can help you grow as a reader.


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, May 5

Happy Cinco de Mayo! (That means fifth of May!)

This weekend I saw my family, but it was very different than usual. On a normal day we give lots of hugs, but this time we had to stay very far away from each other and wear masks so we can all stay healthy. I miss hugging, but was happy we could be together safely outside. I can't wait to read with you this week!


Ms. Miller

P.S. Do I look like a Ninja? I hope so!

Monday, May 4

Good Morning Kids!

The sun makes things a little better, doesn't it? I started a new book this weekend called "Becoming." It is a nonfiction book about Michelle Obama, who is married to President Obama. She wrote the book herself. A nonfiction book that someone writes ABOUT themselves is called an autobiography (aw-tuh-by-aw-gruh-fee). A true book about a person's life written by someone else is called a biography. I am learning lots of cool things about her. Did you know that she ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast as a kid?

I hope you have a great day. I can't wait to read with you!


Ms. Miller

Friday, May 1

This dog is called a labrador (lab-ruh-door). My old dog Cammie was a labrador.

I heard a silly joke yesterday that I want to share with you.

What do you call a dog who can do magic?

A labra-ca-dabra-dor! Haha!

See you at 11!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, April 29

Yesterday I looked outside and noticed that the sky looked so beautiful behind the big tree in my back yard. I took a picture so I could share with you! Hope you enjoy our African Safari field trip today!


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, April 29

Good morning kids!

Ms. Pelhe is doing a music class today at 10:00. I am sure she would love to see you! Our classroom meeting will be Friday at 11 as usual. I hope you are all there! We will share about our Nonfiction story topics.


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, April 28

My sister made this bread from scratch! I think I told you, she went to baking school which is why she is so good at it. She is very talented! It tasted delicious!


Ms. Miller

Monday, April 27

Welcome back!

I hope you enjoyed your week and that your family is healthy. We will not be going back to FMA this school year. The scientists think that is what will keep the most people safe and healthy, so that is what we will do. We will brush it off and be flexible, and we will get really good at learning from home! The schedule is a little different this week but I think you will like it more. We will now have phonics every day with a video made! I tried to make them silly. I hope you like it!


Ms. Miller

Me and Mr. Dan on a walk around our neighborhood

Friday, April 17

I went to our classroom yesterday to pick up some things that will help me teach you from home. I saved a couple of our plants and picked some of our favorite books. I will read you one today at our class meeting. Next week I expect you to be extra helpful with your families. Make sure you read, check out some of the movies and activities I suggested, and give everyone some quiet time. Make a new Word Collector Book and we'll share your new words when we come back!

You may be getting a special delivery sometime soon... I snuck some chalk and freeze pops in there for you for a little bit of extra fun :)


Ms. Miller

Thursday, April 16

Look what I see! Why do you think some of the seeds are coming up before the others? What might that mean compared to the other plants?


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, April 15

Do you see all the beautiful flowers coming up? I love watching them grow in my neighborhood. These are called Daffodils (and they are my favorite color yellow!) Look around and see how many different kinds of flowers you see. Then, try to draw them! Be sure to add color. That is important!


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, April 14

I planted a little garden. I used old egg cartons and planted seeds in each part. It is too cold for them to go outside yet. I watered it gently and then covered it with a plastic bag. The bag helps the water stay close to the seeds instead of going into the air. I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, onion, habanero peppers, and sweet peppers. I will let you know when they start to sprout!


Ms. Miller

Monday, April 13

It has been 1 month since we left school. I miss you all very much and am dreaming of the day I can give you a big hug!

Yesterday I celebrated a holiday called Easter with my family on Google Hangouts. Easter is a special day when my family sees each other, but this year was different because we were on computer screens. It made me feel cheerful and upset because I miss them, but I know we will be together soon! Has your family had to do any celebrations on the computer instead of in person?


Ms. Miller

Thursday, April 9

Has your body been feeling a little jittery lately? Mine too! It might be because we are stuck inside, and it might also be because we feel worried or nervous about all the changes that are happening. Here are some ideas to get some jitters out:

  1. Check out Ms. Coulson's Website for some awesome tips.

  2. Deep Breaths in and out (smell the flower, blow out the candle). Maybe even watch this jelly cam while you breathe.

  3. Check out Coach Evan's website and try some challenges along with other kids from school.

  4. Run up the stairs, WALK down the stairs, run up the stairs, WALK down the stairs (repeat).

  5. has songs to dance to, workouts, and even yoga!

  6. Ask to go for a long walk with your family when they have time. Try do do some high knees or lunges while you walk if you have extra energy.

Remember, it's ok if your body feels different. Lots of things ARE different right now. Just notice your feelings and try a strategy to head back to the green zone.


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, April 8

Yesterday I made a mask at my house. I used an old reusable grocery bag and some ribbon. It was tricky but also a fun craft. Have you tried wearing a mask yet? The new rule is that everyone must wear one when they go out to the store. New rules can be hard to get used to, but remember: good rules are made to keep people safe.


Ms. Miller

Tuesday, April 7

Yesterday I was so happy to see the sun again! I sat outside and read my book for as long as I could. This is the tree outside my house. Can you guess what season it was when I took the picture? I love it because it is so old and strong and a home for many, many birds and squirrels. I like to listen to them "talk" to each other.


Ms. Miller

Monday, April 6

My book is getting very good. At first I did not think I liked it, but I kept on reading and now...WOW. Has that happened to you? Remember if you start to get bored with the books in your house, you can use our online libraries like Big Universe and Tumblebooks for free!

I miss you!


Ms. Miller

Friday, April 3

This is Mr. Dan! He is kind of like a big kid. He likes to play video games and read books, just like many of you! We made these meatballs together. They were yummy!


Ms. Miller

Thursday, April 2

I am learning to bake bread. This was my very first try before it went in the oven. I was very excited, but it did not taste very good. That is OK, I will try again tomorrow! Have you tried something new at home?


Ms. Miller

Wednesday, April 1

This is where I will write our daily morning message from now on! The picture to the left is my Nanny and Papa. I talk to them every day on Face Time. Who could you call to say hello to today?


Ms. Miller

Older Notes (March 20-31st)

Day 9

Day 10 + 11

Day 5


Day 6


Day 7


Day 8


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4
