Listen for the Voices of Angels

One of the sources of our living tradition is UU Source #4 - our Jewish and Christian Heritages.

At Christmas time, we often hear the Christian story of shepherds tending their flocks in the still

of the night, and out of that stillness arises the voice of angels inviting them to make a new and

important journey. Using this story, our faith asks us this time of year to listen for those inner

voices that call us to follow a longing, try something new or lean more deeply into a particular

path we’ve been hesitant about. So, what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a

people of stillness? It tells us, “Be still and listen for the voice guiding you on your way.”

Chalice Words:

Even sequestered we can busy ourselves and forget to stop.

When we stop and wait for others

in the gap we enlarge ourselves.

When the merely important stops for what is beautiful,

when we let a little sabbath interrupt our busyness

the holy enters in the empty spaces.

Stop, and let the Holy breathe in you.

Who knows? In the pause, angels may parade

the neighborhoods of your soul.

--Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Mindfulness Moment:

Overcomer Animated Short | Hannah Grace

This is a beautiful short about loving yourself, and the challenges of Social Media.


ABC's Nightline: Do Guardian Angels Exist?

People report feeling a presence or hearing a guiding voice in times of great need.

RE Journal: Have you ever felt the presence of a Guardian Angel? Or is there a time you would have liked one, but did not feel protected?

Creative Connection:

Chalice Snowflake Instructions