
May 2024. Francisco Javier Pérez Invernón participated in the 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting in Gran Canaria (Spain).

March 2024. Jose V. Moris has been invited to take part in a workshop on lightning fires in Vienna in April 2024 organized by Matthew Jones and Sander Veraverbeke.

March 2024.  The paper on survival fucntions of holdover time has been published in Electric Power Systems Research. You can find the paper in the output section.

February 2024. Jose V. Moris will present a conference paper on a new method to assess the probability of lightning causing wildfires in the 37th International Conference on Lightning Protection in Dresden (Germany).

December 2023. The project officially ended at the end of December 2023. However, the website will still be active and updated in 2024.

December 2023. FIRESKY participated in the AGU Annual Meeting 2023 that took place in San Francisco (USA).

October 2023. The paper on the role of long continuing currents in lightning-ignited wildfires has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. You can find the paper in the output section.

September 2023. FIRESKY participated in the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2023 that took place in Malmö (Sweden).

June 2023. FIRESKY has been invited to participate in a special sssue on Recent Advancements In Lightning Physics, Protection And Safety of the journal Electric Power Systems Research.

May 2023. The special issue Atmospheric Electricity and Fire in a Changing Climate of the journal Atmospehere is avaibale online and contains two new papers on lightning fires.

March 2023.  The paper on the database of holdover times of lightning-ignited wildfires has been published in ESSD. You can find the paper in the output section.

January 2023. FIRESKY is taking part in a research carried out by the CSIC Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia on the role of long continuing currents in lightning-ignited wildfires.

December 2022. The preprint on the database of holdover times of lightning-ignited wildfires is available online.

November 2022. We uploaded to Zenodo our database on holdover time of lightning-ignited wildfires. You can find the link in the output section.

November 2022. Our conference paper on probability distributions of holdover time from the 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection was published. You can find it in the output section.

October 2022. We gave a presentation on lightning fires and probability distributions of holdover time in the 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection in Cape Town (South Africa). You can find the presentation in the output section.

August 2022. FIRESKY is part of a special issue on lightning fires as guest editors in the jounal Atmosphere.

July 2022. The paper on meteorological conditions associated with lightning fires in Arizona, New Mexico and Florida has been published in Fire. You can find the paper in the output section.

May 2022. We presented a poster on the global holdover time database in the 13th Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) National Congress in Orvieto (Italy). You can find the poster in the output section.

April 2022. FIRESKY is part of a research of the German Aerospace Center on meteorological conditions associated with lightning-caused fires and long-continuing-current lightning.

March 2022. FIRESKY will present a conference paper on probability distributions of holdover time in the 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection in Cape Town (South Africa).

February 2022. FIRESKY will present a poster on a global holdover time database in the 13th Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) National Congress in Orvieto (Italy).

January 2022. The website of the research project "FIRESKY - Fire from the sky: understanding lightning fires in the Pyrocene" has been launched. FIRESKY project officially started in January 2022!