Portfolio Format

The AP Art and Design portfolios each consist of two sections: Sustained Investigation and Selected Works.

Sustained Investigation—Section 1

15 digital images; some may be details or process images | 60% of portfolio score

Students will submit images and writing to document their inquiry-guided investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision:

> 15 digital images that include works of art and design and process documentation.

> Typed responses to prompts, providing information about the questions that guided their investigation and how they practiced, experimented, and revised, guided by their questions.

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Selected Works—Section 2

Digital images of 5 works | 40% of portfolio score

Students submit digital images of their work and commentary online to demonstrate skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas:

> 5 works with commentary identifying the materials, processes, and ideas used.

> Works may come from the Sustained Investigation section, but they do not have to.

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