Call for Abstracts

We invite abstracts of published or unpublished work for contributed talks to take place at the satellite symposium. The scope includes but is not limited to:

  • Statistical and probabilistic methods in economics and finance

  • Economic behavior, market dynamics, agent-based modeling

  • Empirical and Big Data analysis of economic and financial systems

  • Network modeling and contagion dynamics for economic and financial relations: production and trade, supply chains, bank-firm lending, bilateral exposures, derivatives and CDS, portfolios of asset ownership, stock price correlation, monetary transactions

  • Multilayer or interconnected network representation of such systems

  • Early-warning signals detection and network reconstruction techniques

  • Quantification of systemic risk and policy implications

  • Economic Complexity, development and innovation patterns, green economy

  • Sustainability, inequality, ESG and socially responsible investing

  • Fintech, cryptocurrencies, retail trading

Submission requirements: We only accept submissions of at most one page plus a figure, in PDF format. Submission must include the following information: title of the talk, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), name of the presenter. Submissions will be selected by the program committee according to adherence to the workshop theme, originality and scientific quality. Presenters of accepted contributions must register for CCS2022.

Please send your contribution to the following email address: