Things That Matter

Something that Matters 1

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.

Something that Matters 2

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.

Something that Matters 3

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.

Something that Matters 4

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.

Something that Matters 5

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.

AP Research Prep Work

Find 5 sources (article/ video/ website) that shows an area of interest you are interested for future research/ college major. Link each to the title. Write a short caption that tells your reader what the article is about and why it matters. Find an image to represent the story.