Your AP Seminar Portfolio

About Me

For this page you will begin to represent yourself and the motivation behind your work this year. You will do this by creating a paragraph about yourself. Use the following guide to introduce your work.

T. Describe yourself.

I. Relevant Background

E. General Interests and areas of Expertise

A. Explain the reasons for your interests

C. How did your interests guide your work in AP Seminar

How will you be ASSESSED?

The following CRITERIA will be used to ASSESS the product you are using as evidence of MASTERY:


Does each page include COMPLETED 1.) Narration of Learning? 2.) Links of ALL required documents and artifacts? 3.) Complementary Design Elements.


Does THE ORGANIZATION of each page include 1.) TIEAC organization 2.) Links of ALL required documents in CLEAR ORDER? 3.) Complementary Images Direct Readers' to Preview work and topics covered?


☐ Formal Academic Tone

☐ Proper use of academic and domain specific vocabulary is appropriate for the audience and purpose. NO QUESTION-ces, sentences with unanswered who, what, when, where, why, how.

☐ Diction: Word Choice Variety

☐ Syntax: Sentence Structure Variety

☐ Conventions: Minimal or No Distracting ERRORS in spelling or grammar.


Does the WRITING CONTENT of each page engage the reader with specific and insightful reflection that answers the following questions?

T.) What was your TOPIC?

I.) Why did you choose it?

E.) What did you learn about the TOPIC

A.) What did you learn about yourself as an INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR? TEAM MEMBER?

C.) What about this performance are you proud of? What do you wish you could have done different?


Does the DESIGN of each page engage the reader with:

1.) An attractive and consistent layout and design? 2.) Photos, icons, and clip art that follow a personal theme 3.) A display of high level of creativity throughout design process and oral presentation. 4.) Unique, well planned, and creative.