Q.U.E.S.T. Reflection

Your Q.U.E.S.T.

Congratulations on completing the required components for AP Seminar! You should be proud of your hard work!

The College Board will be scoring your work, and you will be able to access your scores on Tuesday, July 9. For your score in this class, however, I think it is more important to include an assessment of your growth over time. To this end, please complete a self-reflection of the QUEST components. This could be a sentence or paragraph “snipped” from your documents, a narrative example, or a link to a specific time frame of a video. For each piece of evidence, add your own reflective commentary reflecting how you’ve grown.

Question and Explore

Questioning begins with an initial exploration of complex topics or issues. Perspectives and questions emerge that spark one’s curiosity, leading to an investigation that challenges and expands the boundaries of one's current knowledge.

Please reflect on how your QUESTIONING has improved. What have you learned about asking good questions?

Understand and Analyze Arguments

Understanding various perspectives requires contextualizing arguments and evaluating the authors’ claims and lines of reasoning.

Please provide two sets of evidence and commentary, explaining how you have grown in your discussion of context as well as your ability to evaluate an author’s claim(s) and line(s) of reasoning.

Evaluate Multiple Perspectives

Evaluating an issue involves considering and evaluating multiple perspectives, both individually and in comparison to one another.

Please show how you have grown in your ability to evaluate multiple perspectives, including how you have been able to put them “in conversation” with each other.

Synthesize Ideas

Synthesizing others’ ideas with one’s own may lead to new understandings and is the foundation of a well-reasoned argument that conveys one’s perspective.

Please show how you have grown in your ability to synthesize your own argument or conclusion.

Team, Transform, and Transmit

Teaming allows one to combine personal strengths and talents with those of others to reach a common goal. Transformation and growth occur upon thoughtful reflection. Transmitting requires the adaptation of one’s message based on audience and context.

You will need to provide three sets of evidence for this component. Describe how you have grown in your ability to work as a team. Describe how you have grown in your ability to reflect on your work, as you did in your oral defense. And describe how you have grown in your media presentation skills.

Personal Skills

Making good use of your work time, turning your assignments in on time, being a good team member, staying organized, all of these are essential life skills that you will need in college and your future career.

Please honestly assess your personal skills and provide specific examples. How dependable were you? How well did you make use of your class time? How well were you able to avoid distractions (i.e., phone, video games, etc.)? How would your self-analysis compare to your teacher’s analysis of your work habits? If they would be different, explain.

Wrapping It Up

When you have completed your evidence-based reflection, add a thoughtful introduction and conclusion. What were your original goals in taking AP Seminar? What is your best learning overall? What suggestions would you offer to next year’s AP Seminar students to help them? What suggestions would you offer to me to help next year’s students?