9999 Limit Breaker

The 9999 Limit Breaker allows you to surpass the 9999 HP, MP and Damage Limit to 30,000. It also removes the Damage cap for Enemies, so enemies will also be able to do up to whatever you set it to. This mod was created by dziugo, check Dziugo’s thread in the qhimm forums to see a list of his other patches.

ownload both of the files listed below. Create a new folder called “patches” in your game directory(C:\\Program Files\\Squaresoft, Inc\\Final Fantasy VII\\). Once you have done this, put the two files (9999Limitbreaking.srb and the 9999Limitbreaking text file) that are in the 9999LB folder into the patches folder.

Now, put the other files (skerb.ex_ and install) from the second download (called YAMP) into the main game folder itself. Finally, run the install file and hopefully the patch should be applied. Note that before applying the patch, you can actually edit the 9999Limitbreak text file to your preferences, so be sure to take a look at it before running the install file.

Remember that the cap is at 30,000 so you cannot set any values higher than this.

Again, if you have problems installing this mod please check the media section for a step by step tutorial video on how to install it.

Download 9999Limitbreaking

Download YAMP

This Tutorial video shows you how to break the 9999 HP/MP/Damage limit using the 9999 Limit Breaker Patch.

Please watch before Modding tutorial video for clarification on what you need.