• The most obvious is for continuity because we shoot a script and even scenes out of sequence.

  • Was her hair down or up for that scene? Was she holding the paper in her right or left hand?

  • Reshoots and additional shots. It’s easy for us to edit during the production phase which gives us the advantage of seeing and fulfilling the need for reshoots or added shots. Knowing key information on a scenes lighting and camera setup can be crucial.

  • And last but not least, notes for postproduction like circle takes, used by the editor and director. While shooting you may remember why a decision was made onset for a shot but you won't remember days or weeks later when you're editing.

There are three areas on set we focus on for our production notes. One is our subject: people, places, and props. The other is the lights that light them and third the camera that records it all.

Script Supervisor Notes

The first form is one of the most important, called Script Supervisor notes, and is sometimes called the circle take list.

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