
I think another thing that comes up a lot in these conversations is you talk about hiring is that like, oh, okay, well, there's a pipeline problem. There's not enough girls or, you know, young black people interested in specifically for us for technology, right? There's not enough coders. So we teach all these people to code but role models are actually so insanely important for not just, you know, development in children, but development at all ages. There's this thing in the brain this process called vicarious reinforcement, which is where you see people who look like you, and you actually experience the dopamine neuron firings, that make you feel like you're experiencing the success of the people that you see. So, as a result, because of you know, dopamine makes you like, do awesome stuff, right? Like, you end up being more productive and more motivated and more believing in yourself. Because you get this sense of belonging into that.

Augustus Yuan

I had an experience back at Evernote. I haven't been at twitch long enough actually, when we were talking about different industries. It made me think of something that happened Evernote once were when I was on marketing website probably pass when Brian was there also but we have people from QA and they're from like, Many different backgrounds, um, a lot of them are Russian, some are. We have offshore QA in Vietnam. And it was it was really random, but I really appreciate it. We have this one senior QA engineer, her name's Ilana. She's been working at Evernote for a really long time. And she's like, she's from Russia. She has a crazy story. And I think one time she was like QA, she was looking at Evernote and Russian on the marketing pages. And this is like the homepage and she said, this copy is like, super offensive. Like, and I couldn't, you know, I don't know Russian, but it was like, the way it was phrased it was like, she said, this like, sounds like super, super offensive, like, and so I wish I had like more details, but I just like really appreciated that she brought that experience in perspective. And well, then I was like, wow, that's sucks. And and well, and we got it figured out. I think we talked to the translation team and they got someone to like change it and they agreed with her. So So I I thought that was like a time when I thought like, wow, this is this actually it makes an impact because like we do it's like if you think of all the different types of users that you have like, like the homepage of all the all everyone from Russia came to our homepage and are like, downloading Evernote for the hotel. They're calling me like, I don't know, it said, but

Crazy Talk Animator 214 Pipeline Crack 21



I had three but now I have fourmore. So the first one is a book. It's called stamped from the beginning. It's by Dr. Ephraim x Kennedy. It is the definitive history of racist ideas in America. It is the winner of the national, a winner of the National Book Award. And it provides a clear history of how racist ideas were created, spread and deeply rooted in American society. This book, I've pretty much always been an activist in when it comes to equity. But this book helped me to understand a life a lived experience that I didn't have and to see history in a way that I wasn't educated on. One thing that I I took from another that TED talk that I mentioned earlier, which is the dangers of the single story is that one, if you want to be detrimental to a people is to tell a story starting with the second part of the story. So a lot of the education that we have here is about how we, and I mean, we as colonial America responded to Native Americans or to Africans, instead of talking about what happened first, which is, you know, we we came to America and you know, started violent activities as it were. And and I think it's really important to look at these stories that we've been told from the other side, and this book is absolutely essential in understanding racism in the United States of America. At the very least. The second pick is an owl is fk twigs new album, Magdalene. I originally heard her song on the first season of Mr. Robot, which was actually played well, someone was being murdered, but it's just a TV show. It's not real.But I really really loved that song. And this boy that I really liked time, he also really liked the song so it's really stuck with me. So it's an artist that I really hung on to for personal reasons, but I really like her. She's English. She actually started her career when she was only 17 years old. And she is just absolutely incredibly talented and just super cool to check out especially if that's not really the kind of music you usually listen to really enjoy her stuff. Third is a different podcast sorry to get along with a lot my co hosts.It is the modern figures podcast, which is hosted by Dr. Kyla Macmillan and Dr. Jeremy waste. And they are currently recording their second season there is a first season which is available to consume right now. And they are elevating black women voices in computing, working to dispel the myth that there is a pipeline problem, for example, and just generally helping, you know, black women who are already in computing and then also who, you know, want to see themselves in computing have a sense of belonging,

POST: How did you go about gathering the stock images you needed? 

CHILCOTT: Things are so much easier now with You Tube as your preliminary search source (laughs). There is a part in the film where we talk about where Americans are internationally in terms of education. We are 21 out of 30 in science and 25 out of 30 countries in math. There is this other study that shows that out of eight developed countries, we are last in math, but when asked about how confident we are in our math skills, we are number one. So we started looking for stock footage of crazy stunts, and sure enough we found our best stuff on YouTube as well as from a couple of movies and other sources. be457b7860

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