AIGDSE_1120.pdf The SOLO Taxonomy_Using Outcomes to Scaffold Learning.pdf about-solo-taxonomy-by-pam-hook-pdf.pdf Ways to distinguish AI-composed essays from human-composed ones (opinion).pdf Reading Research Quarterly - 2024 - Higgs - Being Human in the Age of Generative AI Young People s Ethical Concerns about.pdf How Generative AI Can Augment Human CreativityThere is tremendous apprehension about the potential of generative AI—technologies that can create new content such as text, images, and video—to replace people in many jobs. But one of the biggest opportunities generative AI offers is to augment human creativity and overcome the challenges of democratizing innovation. In the past two decades, companies have used crowdsourcing and idea competitions to involve outsiders in the innovation process. But many businesses have struggled to capitalize on these contributions. They’ve lacked an efficient way to evaluate the ideas, for instance, or to synthesize different ideas. Generative AI can help overcome those challenges, the authors say. It can supplement the creativity of employees and customers and help them produce and identify novel ideas—and improve the quality of raw ideas. Specifically, companies can use generative AI to promote divergent thinking, challenge expertise bias, assist in idea evaluation, support idea refinement, and facilitate collaboration among users.