Post Project Construction Evaluation
Work zones carry risk for employees, the traveling public, construction industry employers, and facility owners. It is common for many construction projects to face the same or similar issues, and, with an evaluation process in place, an agency can improve its efficiency when project staff learn from others’ experiences and avoid duplication of their efforts. Documenting the lessons learned and sharing the information across the agency can serve as a benefit to future projects in key areas, such as cost, schedule, and safety. This training was developed to help agencies manage and evaluate work zone activities and document the lessons learned.
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Training Objective
To learn about and implement processes of Evaluation, Feedback and Feeback Loop, and Lessons Learned Documentation in work zone construction projects.
Training Modules
Project and Construction Evaluation
Feedback Loop in Project and Construction Evaluation
Lessons Learned in Project and Construction Evaluation
Development Team
Jennifer Shane
Associate Professor & Director CMATIowa State UniversityRead more about Jennifer Shane
Carolina Resende
Assistant Professor
Louisiana State University
Michael Volk
Graduate Student
Iowa State University