Pre-Holiday Assessment


Pre-holiday assessments involve sampling at popular recreational waterbodies prior to major holiday weekends and working with waterbody managers and the county to determine most appropriate signage to inform visitors of potential freshwater harmful algal blooms (FHABs). Results from sampling are posted on the FHAB Incident Report Map and distributed the Friday before major holiday weekends through the California FHAB Network email list. These results inform recommendations for posting signs at popular public access locations around the waterbody.

Who Can Assist?

Any entity that has an interest is welcome to assist with this effort. To implement a holistic program, land managers, state agencies, tribes, water districts, universities, health agencies, federal agencies, citizen scientists, and non-profits are encouraged to participate. No previous sampling experience is necessary. Visit this table to see where is already being sampled this year, and contact your Water Board Regional Coordinator if you are interested in sampling a new location by filling out this survey.

2024 Sample Collection Timeline

Dates below pertain to those funded by the FHAB program.

Can I Share My Own Data? 

Of course! Any entity that monitors water quality near recreational sites can share their data and join this effort. You don't need to use the Program's laboratory but we appreciate consistency in sample collection and measurements (cyanotoxins and visual indicators). Please refer to the sampling procedure and share your data by filling in the spreadsheet linked below by the dates in the table below. 

Surface Water Grab.MOV

Grab Sample

Scum 1.MOV

Scum Sample

Scum 2.MOV

Dense Scum Sample

Algal Mat Composite Sample

Printable Documents for Sample Events

Monitoring Checklist.docx

Sample Day Check List

1 per sample event

FY 23.24 Pre-Holiday Assessment COC.pdf

Sample Day Check List

1 per sample event


Field Data Sheet

1 per sample location 

Bend Shipping Label Information.docx

Shipping Label

*Do not ship on Friday or Saturday

Work with your regional staff person to receive return shipping label for your cooler. Staff contact information can be found here.

Thank you for working with us to help keep the public safe this holiday season!