how to earn credits in forza horizon 4

1. FH4 Auction House

For the majority of players, most of the money you earn will be from Wheelspins. Regular wheelspins can give anywhere between $5k-$200k, and Supers can provide much more. I once got ~$550k on a single Super Wheelspin. You can also make some money by putting your spare/extra vehicles on the Auction House

You can also flip cars on the AH, especially rarer vehicles like Forza Edition vehicles and Wheelspin-exclusive vehicles. This method is much more risk but much more reward if you do it right. By flipping cars, I mean you get a car for cheap (bid low, bail if bid war goes on too long), then put the car right back on the AH and hope for a profit.

Wheelspins are a game changer in Forza Horizon 4 and players should take advantage of them every chance that they get. Not only can you unlock some pretty cool stuff like accessories, winning moves and even new clothes, but this is the only place that you have a chance to score up to 250,000 Forza Horizon 4 Credits without having to put forth much effort. This means you’ll want to focus your attention on getting more Wheelspins.

Thankfully, you can earn new wheelspins quite a few different ways by doing things like unlocking perks on your different cars, completing your daily challenges in the Forzathon, leveling up you're My Horizon Life goals, purchasing the Fairlawn Manor, and completing LIVE events in the Forzathon. As you can see, there are plenty of ways for you to get your hands on new wheelspins, which means more chances at earning large amounts of FH4 credits quickly.

If you want to earn a lot of money quickly, then focusing on unlocking more wheelspins is the key. Don’t forget, though, that there are still plenty of things out there for you to do in Forza Horizon 4, so don’t become too focused on any one thing, as you’ll miss out on a slew of other great ways to make money while you have fun in the game.

2. Take part in races and other events

This one is a no-brainer. When you’re first introduced to the game, you will earn CR right at the beginning when you complete your first race or showcase event.

The credits you earn is probably influenced by how well you do in the race (e.g., whether you placed first or last) and also the CR bonus from the difficulty

E.g., if you turn on a lot of the assistance features, then the difficulty drops and the bonus drops correspondingly. For instance, you are using automatic vs. manual changes the gift a lot, with the former making it much lower. Just adjust the difficulty, and you will see how it changes.

In any case, you will earn credits (CR) even if you place last in a race.

Later on in the story, you will also come across this World’s Fastest Rentals mission. You can get a daily credit payout for buying the business, but I didn’t take note as to how much you will earn.

It’s also a mission like the Stunt Driver.

You can also get credits for merely getting stars on the speed trap. This 15,000 CR was for two stars if I’m not mistaken.