The Sixth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

Seaside Ballroom A - Long Beach Convention Center - 9am - 5:30pm June 17th 2019

Organized in conjunction with CVPR 2019


  • June 24th: Thanks to everyone that attended FGVC6! Links to slides for some of the talks are available in the program.
  • June 17th: The workshop will start at 9am in Seaside Ballroom A at the north side of the conference center.
  • June 11th: A preliminary version of the workshop schedule is now available.
  • June 9th: Accepted papers are now available to view.
  • May 3rd: Paper submission deadline has been moved to Monday May 6th (23:59 PT). For more details see here.
  • April 26th: All 10 FGVC6 competitions are now up and running.
  • April 19th: CMT site for submitting papers is live. For more details see here.
  • March 28th: FGVC6 competitions are going live. More to follow.
  • March 15th: FGVC6 will be held in conjunction with CVPR 2019 - full day Monday June 17 - more details to follow!
  • March 1st: Subscribe to the FGVC Newsletter.


As part of the workshop we will be hosting the 2019 iNaturalist and iMaterialist Fashion and Product challenges along with a series of additional challenges called FGVCx. For more information, please check out our competitions page.

Workshop Description

Fine categorization, i.e., the fine distinction into species of animals and plants, of car and motorcycle models, of architectural styles, etc., is one of the most interesting and useful open problems that the machine vision community is just beginning to address. Aspects of fine categorization (called 'subordinate categorization' in the psychology literature) are discrimination of related categories, taxonomization, and discriminative vs. generative learning.

Fine categorization lies in the continuum between basic level categorization (object recognition) and identification of individuals (face recognition, biometrics). The visual distinctions between similar categories are often quite subtle and therefore difficult to address with today’s general-purpose object recognition machinery. It is likely that radical re-thinking of some of the matching and learning algorithms and models that are currently used for visual recognition will be needed to approach fine categorization.

This workshop will explore computational questions of modeling, learning, detection and localization. It is our hope that the invited talks, including researchers from psychology and psychophysics, will shed light on human expertise and human performance in subordinate categorization and taxonomization.

For additional details, please see the FGVC5 workshop held in 2018.

Prior FGVC Workshops

Workshop Sponsors

Additional Challenge Sponsors