The Fifth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

Friday, June 22, 2018 -- Salt Lake City, UT

Organized in conjunction with the CVPR 2018 conference


Confirmed speakers

Program Schedule

The Workshop is scheduled for Room 151 A-C (on the first floor of the convention center).

FGVC5 Workshop Program

Poster Session (AM)

Challenge Winner/Finalists (PM)


  • Shuyu Ge, Qiule Sun, Jiangtao Xie, Peihua Li; Dalian University of Technology
  • Jeremy Trammell, Priyanka Oberoi, John Kaufhold; Deep Learning Analytics

iMaterialist 2018 - Fashion

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors

iMaterialist 2018 - Furniture

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors

iWildCam 2018

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors

iFood 2018

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors

Flowers 2018

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors

Food 2018

  • Title, Authors
  • Title, Authors