Call for papers

We invite scientists working in related areas of computer vision and machine learning for face and gesture detection, affective computing, multimodal human behavior modeling, and cognitive behavior to share their expertise and achievements in the emerging field of computer vision and machine learning based face and gesture analysis for health informatics. Accepted papers will be published in the CVPR proceedings.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Multimodal behavior modeling (face and gesture analysis) for healthcare

- Deep learning based facial expression recognition for healthcare

- Human-Computer Interaction systems for healthcare

- Deep learning based multi-modal (visual and verbal) fusion for healthcare applications

- Post-COVID technologies for healthcare (e.g., telehealth for clinical diagnosis)

- Clinical protocols for face and gesture analysis and modeling in clinical context

- Data biases and generalizability for healthcare applications

- Ethical issues

- Applications in assistive living, healthcare, education, etc. (e.g., automatic pain intensity

measurement, automatic assessment of mental health disorders, autism spectrum screening)