Fair food-Ukraine

memorandum on joining the cluster


(1) understanding the importance of food safety issues in today's world,

(2) seeking to accelerate the reform of the national economy of Ukraine on modern market and democratic principles, and in particular the sphere of food production and supply, and the system of state control and conformity assessment for the food products,

(3) realizing the need for joint actions on the implementation of the EU-UA Association Agreement, the introduction of European norms and rules regarding the turnover and consumption of food products in Ukraine,

(4) striving to comply with the requirements of current legislation, norms and rules established by international standards,

(5) combating unscrupulous food business operators and corruption in food safety state control and falsification of the certification,

(6) realizing the value of knowledge and education of food business operators and consumers of food products,

(7) seeking to increase the effectiveness of actions and achieve synergy due to the coordination of professional activities,

(8) trying to activate the market of products and services of the cluster participants,

(9) confirming the interest in establishing mutually beneficial cooperation and coordination of efforts between all participants involved in the production and supply of food products "from farm to fork",

(10) directing activities to the realization of the values ​​of safe food and protection of consumer rights,

(11) joining the community of honest food business operators, which operates under the framework of FairFood-Ukraine (FFU) cluster,

(12) agreeing to sign the memorandum by filling in the relevant application form remotely,

we undertake the following obligations:

І. Food business operators:

(a) to recognize the values ​​and importance of protecting consumer rights;

(b) to comply conscientiously with the requirements for food products and the processes of their production, packaging, storage and delivery set forth by the current legislation of Ukraine (to the extent specified in the unified acts of state inspections in the areas subject to inspection), the acquis EU and regulatory documents of the non-governmental level;

(c) to apply maximum efforts to overcome problems indicated during state inspections, by specialists and organizations that conduct audits in order to confirm compliance with the norms of non-governmental documents;

(d) to exclude the possibility of corrupt actions, intolerant attitude to proposals and manifestations of corruption;

(e) be intolerant of food falsification, improper activities of food business operators;

(f) be intolerant of attempts to falsify services of conformity assessment - trainings, consultations, audits, certification;

(j) to strive to receive information on updating requirements for food products, ways of their implementation, improvement of the control system for the safety and quality of food products;

(g) to strive to raise the awareness by participating in trainings and improve the business by engaging profile consultants;

(h) to seek confirmation of safety and quality through certification in eligible compliance assessment systems.

ІІ. Owners of non-governmental documents and conformity assessment organisations:

(a) to participate in information campaigns organised by the FFU cluster;

(b) to cooperate with market places - participants of the cluster;

(c) to provide the cluster headquarters with information known to them about the unscrupulous use of regulatory documents by food business operators;

(d) to provide the cluster headquarters with information known to them about manifestations of corruption from auditors and in other cases of compliance assessment;

(e) to provide the cluster headquarters with information known to them about manifestations of corruption by food business operators;

(f) to give preferences, promotional offers and other favorable conditions to food business operators participating in the cluster.

ІІІ. Individual trainers, consultants, auditors:

(a) to confirm professional qualification by eligible documents;

(b) to improve the professional level at regular basis and to provide relevant documentary evidence;

(c) to supply the market with appropriate products and services that meet profile standards, including the internal norms and rules of the cluster;

(d) to seek information about the updating standards for the educational, consulting and auditing services;

(e) to improve products and services according to the updating standards;

(f) to exclude the possibility of corrupt actions, to be intolerant of proposals and manifestations of corruption;

(j) to be intolerant of attempts to falsify training, consulting, audit, certification services;

(g) to be intolerant of food falsification, improper activities of food business operators;

(h) to participate in information campaigns organised by the cluster, including in partnership with market places;

(i) to give preferences, promotional offers and other favorable conditions to food business operators participating in the cluster.

IV. Financial institutions:

(a) to be devoted to the values ​​of the EU Green Deal and the concept of "from farm to fork" as its part;

(b) to recognize the value of protecting the rights of the consumer of food products;

(c) to develop and to present products and services aimed at developing assets of food business operators;

(d) to develop and bring to market products and services that ensure professional development of conformity assessment organisations and individuals (auditors, trainers, consultants);

(e) to participate in information campaigns organised by the cluster;

(f) to cooperate with market places participating in the cluster;

(j) to provide preferences and more favorable conditions to entities of economic activity that are participants of the cluster.

V. Market places:

(a) to recognize and to promote the values ​​of the EU Green Deal and the concept of "from farm to fork" as its part;

(b) to recognize and to promote the values ​​of protecting the rights of the consumer of food products;

(c) to cooperate with the cluster in organizing information campaigns on the concept and tasks of the cluster;

(d) to cooperate with cluster participants in organizing and conducting information campaigns aimed at informing the wide public and business;

(e) to cooperate with food business operators in organizing information campaigns aimed at strengthening principles of integrity, popularizing ways and methods of ensuring food safety, developing food market segments;

(f) to cooperate with profile specialists (trainers, consultants, auditors) and conformity assessment organisations in the organization of educational events, information campaigns aimed at strengthening principles of integrity, popularizing ways and methods of ensuring food safety, developing the market for trainings, consulting and audit;

(j) to provide preferences and more favorable conditions to entities of economic activity that are participants of the cluster.