Fair food-Ukraine

benefits from participation in the cluster

Food business operators, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • to reduce significantly the cost of entering the modern markets and strenthen positions there, save money on advertising due signaling to consumers clear guarantees on safety and quality of food products

  • to increase the reliability and stability of partner relations, and therefore to reduce the cost of doing business by providing guarantees to business partners regarding compliance with the norms of the legislation, standards, good practices and other requirements that modern markets impose on food products

  • to be sure of the quality of the services received, to protect your business from wasting money on not elegible training and consulting servises that has no practical value and audits that harming the image of your business due to not eligible and falsificated certificates on compliance with norms of the current legislation, standards, good practices.

  • to gain financing for the modernization of assets in accordance with the requirements of legislation, standards, best practices

  • to participate in information campaigns aimed at informing consumer about the lists of honest producers and thus significantly save on advertising

  • to receive promotional offers from cluster members

  • to increase the efficiency of the activities due to updated informing, exchange of experience with colleagues and partners and other cluster participants

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants

Owners of non-governmental documents, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • simple, efficient and cost-effective entry into the market of Ukraine

  • to conduct information campaigns in Ukraine in effective way

  • to monitor the application of the own regulatory documents and getting certificates of compliance in the Ukrainian market

  • to participate in information campaigns aimed at informing the consumer about the requirments for honest producers

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants

Сonformity assessment organizations, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • simple, efficient and cost-effective entry into the profile markets of Ukraine

  • to conduct information campaigns in Ukraine in effective way

  • to increase reliability and stability of relations with food market operators - consumers of profile services

  • to increase the efficiency of the activities due to updated informing, exchange of experience with colleagues and partners and other cluster participants

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants

Trainers, consultants, auditors, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • to confirm professional integrity, eligibility of services in the eyes of food business operators as consumers

  • simple, efficient and cost-effective entry into the profile markets

  • to save money on advertising due to the confidence of consumers of profile services provided to the food business operators

  • to increase the reliability and stability of relations with consumers of profile services

  • to increase the efficiency of the activities due to updated informing, exchange of experience with colleagues and partners and other cluster participants

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants

Financial institutions, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • to direct their activities on supporting the development of modern fair food business

  • to reduce the cost of entering attractive financial markets and strenthening positions there

  • to increase the efficiency of profile activity by reducing the risks of financing inefficient and unscrupulous businesses

  • to increase the number of consumers of profile services at the expense of proper clients

  • to save money on advertising due to the "umbrella" provided by the cluster

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants

Marker places, due to participation in the FairFood-Ukraine cluster, get the next advantages:

  • to strengthen image as marketing channels for modern responsible business

  • to expand the range of services for food business and other categories of consumers

  • to activate the market of information and marketing services, including in the regions

  • to take advantage of the synergistic effect emerged from coordination of activities of cluster participants