
The level of fairness FFU-basic-approved supposes that the food business operator:

  • passed the planned or unscheduled state inspection in the specified area successfully

  • the report on results of the state inspection is available for public, including at the Inspection Portal

Declaration rules for the FFU-basic-approved level:

  • Declaring FFU-basic-approved level without declaring the FFU-basic-beginner level is impossible, since a report on a successful check can also be obtained in a corrupt way, however, efforts to gain knowledge on legal requirements and principles of fair state control testify to the commitment of the food business operator to integrity.

  • The declaration of integrity is possible on the basis of an official report on the successful state inspection - planned or unscheduled

  • The declaration is valid until the date of the next planned or unscheduled state inspection.

  • Declaring integrity is possible at any time before the start of the next planned or unscheduled state inspection.

  • Following the declaring, the name of the food business operator and a link to the official report are appeared in the FFU:UA:А: register and remain there until the declaration expires