Fair food-Ukraine

план розвитку кластеру доброчесних операторів ринку харчових продуктів

The first stage

Taking into account the scale of falsification of international certificates and other documents that should confirm the safety and quality of food products, it is worth focusing on inviting international conformity assessment organizations, represented by their representative offices in Ukraine. Food business operators already having eligible international certificates are to be invited to join cluster at the first stage of its development as well.

Due to participation in the cluster, owners of non-governmental documents would receive better opportunities to inform the Ukrainian market on modern food safety demands and it is a reason to invite them to join the cluster. In turn, domestic food business operators would be acquainted with ways to gain reliability and integrity in the eyes of consumers and partners.

At the first stage, it is also necessary to ensure the ability of the cluster headquarters to develop a basic package of internal documents of the cluster, to disseminate information about the advantages of participation in the cluster and to provide communication among potential cluster participants. As well, it is nesessary to support and develop the app for cluster. Finally, interaction with the first cluster participants would supply the cluster headquarters with the relevant experience and capitalize it for the next development.

The task of the first stage is also to attract a financial institution interested in shaping and development of a community of fair food producers for participation in the cluster.

Next steps

Then, it is necessary to form a number of market places to support the activity of the cluster (chambers of commerce, profile business associations and public organizations), to attract specialists (licensed or certified trainers, consultants, auditors) and financial institutions getting benefit from additional guarantees of the integrity of borrowers due to participation in the cluster.