Latest News

These are (unofficial) updates from attended fire district meetings. While these are considered technically "unofficial" in the sense they are not coming directly from the FFD, they are indeed valid updates that can be verified through public records.

Breaking News has a black background and red font

Latest Updates 12/4/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Fishers Fire District Commissioner Election - December 12th, 3-9 pm, High Street Fire Station. 3 openings. 

Building on the successes of 2023, current  Chairman Heltz, and fellow candidates Maher and Urciuoli, are looking for your support to help deliver on our goals for 2024. In 2023, Chairman Heltz and the board delivered strong wins and have plans in motion to deliver further benefits to residents. These include:

Our main priority for 2024 will be to continue the Regionalization work that Chairman Heltz and Commissioner Carfagno are actively engaged in. This is focused on merging the Fishers, Mendon, and Honeoye Falls Fire Districts. The combined district will benefit from the high level of service that our professional firefighters provide but also spread the costs across a larger tax footprint. This will be a huge benefit to taxpayers from that perspective AND continue the great service that residents in Fishers currently have. 

Additionally, we need to ensure that taxpayer-friendly commissioners are at the table to finalize union negotiations. We will ensure resident and firefighter safety in a financially responsible manner.   Please consider voting for Heltz, Maher, Urciuoli. 

Breaking News Updates 11/21/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We have lots of exciting news to share with you! 

First off, Dan Benulis has stepped up and volunteered to join the Fishers Board of Fire Commissioners for the open seat that Deb Hogan recently turned over. Dan is a longtime resident and brings over 30 years of Corporate Finance and Real Estate experience to the Board. Additionally, Dan has been active in local government and volunteering, serving 7 years on the Town of Victor Planning Board and is on the Serenity House Board. Thank you Dan for volunteering to serve.

Second, we are very happy to announce the candidates that we are endorsing for the three open positions that are up for election on December 12th. With your support for these strong candidates, we can sweep the elections and control all five seats on the Board of Commissioners. The candidates and the specific term they are running for are:


George Heltz is the current Board Chairman and is running for the 5 year term that is open. George is a 25 year resident and has a deep background in Finance and Information Technology. Through his leadership, the board held the 2024 budget to a 2.6% increase from last year and within the NY State Tax cap. In November, George is putting forth a resolution that will create a "Contingency and Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund" which can be used to help offset future tax increases. He also helped to pass a tax credit to support and encourage volunteer firefighters, who he believes are critically important to the Fishers Fire District.

Tim Maher is running for the open 3 year term on the Board. Another longterm resident, Tim brings a very strong background which includes Corporate Operations and Organization Management experience as well as founding and growing a successful local business over the last 20 years. On top of that, Tim was the Deputy Mayor of Victor and served as the Liaison to the Victor Fire Department for 8 years. Tim is committed to ensuring resident and firefighter safety, while also managing in a financially responsible manner. His experience will be a great asset to the Board of Commissioners.

Craig Urciuoli has been a resident for over 30 years and is excited to run for the 1 year term that is open on the Board. Over his 40-year career, Craig developed a deep background in Information Technology as well as business process design. These skills and his leadership experience will be a strong addition to the Board. Craig has been a longtime volunteer at Lollypop Farm and is looking forward to giving back to the community by volunteering for this position.

Once these candidates win, they will join Tony Carfagno on the board and WE can really accomplish what the Taxpayer Coalition set out to do. We will maintain great service but will manage it in a financially responsible and taxpayer friendly manner.

Our main priority for 2024 will be to continue the Regionalization work that Heltz and Carfagno are actively engaged in. This is focused on merging the Fishers, Mendon, and Honeoye Falls Fire Districts. The combined district will benefit from the high level of service that our professional firefighters provide but also spread the costs across a larger tax footprint. This will be a huge benefit to taxpayers from that perspective AND continue the great service that residents in Fishers currently have. 

Election Details: Elections will be held on Tuesday, December 12th from 3 pm to 9 pm. You must vote in person at Fishers Fire Station, 380 High Street. Each candidate is running for a separate seat on the board based on the length of the term and we need you to VOTE FOR ALL 3. 


Please mark your calendar and share this email with friends and family. If you can send us a reply that you, your family, and your friends will be voting for George Heltz, Tim Maher, and Craig Urciuoli it would be greatly appreciated.


We suggest adding this to your calendar, including the names of the candidates.


As always, we appreciate your support. 

Your friends at the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition.

Latest Updates 10/29/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We wanted to provide an update on a number of key things going on and to ask for your continued support. While there have been changes that have occurred with the Board this year; please know that taxpayer interests are still at the forefront. Commissioners Tony Carfagno, Chris Schoff, and George Heltz have delivered strong wins this year and have plans in motion to deliver further benefits to residents. These include:

While there has been great progress, and there are solid plans in place; your help is absolutely critical right now. Currently, there is one board seat open and we are going into the December elections, where 3 board seats are up for election. Please consider if you can step up and help to further the cause by running for a position or taking the open Board seat. All of the progress made and the future plans are riding on this election. If you are interested in this or are able to help us with the election, please contact us.

-Fishers Taxpayer Coalition and FFD Admin

Latest Updates 7/22/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

It's been a minute, but we have some updates for you!

Breaking News Updates 5/12/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

The FFD Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce that the vacant board seat has been filled. At a special meeting on Monday night, Chris Schoff was nominated and approved to fill the vacant commissioner’s seat at FFD. Chris is a long-time Victor resident and retired VCS teacher/varsity football coach. He also currently owns and manages multiple successful businesses. Chris, with his teaching/coaching experience as well as his broad business and financial knowledge, will be a welcome addition to the FFD Board of Commissioners. We thank Chris for volunteering his time and energy to take on this important role and look forward to working together with him.

In addition to this news, there are also two recent additional important developments concerning the FFD Board of Commissioners:

-Fisher Taxpayer Coalition and FFD Admin

Breaking News Updates 3/24/2023

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We received breaking news today that Commissioner Fred Dewey has resigned from his position. We have also learned that Commissioner Deb Hogan intends to resign in 3-4 weeks but will help with the transition in the near term.

According to the two Commissioners, they have dedicated 3 years and hundreds of hours of intense and painful work as volunteers, won 4 challenging campaigns, and they are burned out. They feel that it is time to let the new Commissioners carry the torch to lower our taxes.  

In early January, the FFD board hired Harter Secrest & Emery as the district’s new law firm. Over the past 3 months, the board spent extensive hours with the law firm exploring options to lower costs for our citizens. It has become apparent that given current employment laws, as well as actions taken by the prior Board of Commissioners, this is going to be a long, complicated, arduous process requiring hundreds more hours of work. Commissioners Dewey and Hogan have decided to direct their volunteer efforts to other community projects.

During Dewey/Hogan’s time on the tax-reduction project, many improvements were made:

Thank you for the incredible support you have given them over the past 3 years, by putting up signs, spreading the word, contributing money, delivering flyers, attending the monthly board meetings, and bringing yourself and your friends/family out to vote.  

-Fisher Taxpayer Coalition and FFD Admin

Latest Updates 12/1/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

This week we received a message from FFD commissioner candidate Tony Carfagno which he asked to be share with our followers. We fully support Tony, and hope you will take the time to read his message below:


Dear Fishers Citizens,

With 2 weeks to go to Election Day, I wanted to provide a quick update to all.

First off, I want to give a big THANK YOU to my Campaign Team. You have all done a great job with Election Signs, FFD Facts, Campaign Materials /Supplies, fundraising, campaign strategy and of course, countering all of the ridiculous false information that is being posted on social media by my competitor's surrogates.

The Krym campaign has no real plan other than to keep the “status quo” in FFD and let the Union continue to run the show, which will include union-biased commissioners negotiating the next 5-year contract with the union. We cannot let that happen!

Jean Krym’s mouthpieces, especially union leader and Krym Campaign Manager Jason Ashton, have resorted to negative tactics against the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition, Fred, Deb, and me as that is all they have to run on. One of the most ridiculous statements I’ve heard from the Krym Campaign is that we would be canceling 911 services in the Fishers Fire District for EMS calls if I’m elected.

First of all, that cannot happen. If someone calls 911 for a medical emergency, an EMS Agency (fire, ambulance, etc) will show up at your door. The Fishers Taxpayer Coalition’s plan to have an ambulance staged in the Fishers Fire District will ENHANCE EMS services for our residents as it will greatly cut down the travel time that it currently takes VFAC to respond to the west side of our town. When minutes count, doesn’t it make sense to have an ambulance and crew that can respond quickly AND be able to transport a patient to an Emergency Room if needed? Of course, it does!

Second, Deb, Fred, and I are fully committed to continuing the excellent Paramedic/EMS service that we currently have.  Fishers Fire District medical services will not only continue but will be better because we are going to fix the 10-minute hospital transport delay by putting an ambulance into one of our two firehouses.

As we enter the home stretch here folks, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you go to the High St. Fire Station on December 13 th (3-9 pm) and vote for me. This is our one opportunity to have 3 like-minded Commissioners that can get our Fire District on a sustainable financial path for the foreseeable future and still provide great service.  It won’t happen unless you get out and VOTE! I know it's December and it’s cold out so you might be tempted to say “I’m only one vote so it won’t matter” but remember, two years ago the election ended in a tie and there had to be a runoff election in January. That “one vote” counts! Please spread the word to all of your family and friends that live in the Fishers Fire District, add it to your calendar, then vote for Tony Carfagno on December 13.

Remember our campaign slogan “WE NEED THREE!” but we can’t get there without your votes! Thank you.


Tony Carfagno

As a reminder, voting will take place on December 13th, 2022 at Fishers Fire Station #2 380 High Street in Victor. We look forward to seeing you there!

Breaking News Updates 11/09/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

First and foremost, thank you for your continued support throughout all of our years. As we finish out another year of elections, we reflect on what brought us on this journey in the first place: Fishers’ tax rates. If you are a citizen of Fishers, you are paying substantially more for your fire services than nearly every other combination career/volunteer district in both Ontario and Monroe counties. Just to name a few:

Brighton: $2.46

Mendon: $1.14

Canandaigua: $2.02

Victor: $1.47

In 2023, Fishers Citizens will pay $3.18

We can, and we will do better, while still being excellent.

As Deb Hogan said in her 2021 campaign, “You can have both.” You can have GREAT fire services and be more fiscally responsible. Since being elected, she has challenged the status quo and put a more watchful eye on the business which is the Fishers Fire Department.

In 2022, we backed Fred Dewey as he promised, “We can keep the great service, while cutting costs.” Since being elected, he has joined forces with Hogan and has pushed for more transparency on where your dollars go.

Now, we must strive for change that can last. With Tony Carfagno, you can rest assured that you will continue to get great service and, with three like-minded commissioners, Fishers will get down to a reasonable tax rate. Their intentions are clear and backed by data. While others have tried to say they will ruin the district, the facts simply don’t lie - Tony is a taxpayer like you who has your interests in mind. He knows we need a great fire service, but he also knows we can lower taxes by being more efficient. 

As you go out to vote this Tuesday, please consider looking at your own taxes. 

Don’t you deserve the same great service that others have, at a similar price point? Deb, Fred, and Tony think so. We need three commissioners to get it done, and Tony Carfagno is the only choice willing to go up and fight for the Fishers taxpayers' interests.

Vote in person for Tony Carfagno this Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 from 3 to 9 pm, at Fishers Firehouse 380 High Street in Victor. We NEED your vote!



Latest Updates 11/17/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Now that we have announced our excellent candidate, Tony Carfagno, we would like to share the dynamics of this upcoming election (December 13th):

In 2023, the Fishers Fire District will negotiate the next union labor contract with our firefighters. This will be the main opportunity to reduce taxes while maintaining our excellent service. If Tony wins this election, we will have 3 out of the 5 Commissioner board seats, which will give the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition control of the district, and put US (YOU) at the bargaining table.  

Naturally, the union is very concerned about this scenario. They are supporting a candidate who will represent them. How do we know this? The campaign manager for the opposition is a union firefighter! He has promised to lead the campaign, including social media efforts, and impersonated the candidate on Facebook.

The union is even going so far as to tell people that medical and 911 services will be canceled. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are in full support of our excellent Fishers paramedics, and we have obtained a commitment from Victor Farmington Ambulance to base an ambulance in our district to dramatically decrease hospital transport times. Medical and 911 service will improve with Tony on the Board.

The choice this election is clear: Do you want this negotiation to be run by the union or by the taxpayers? If you want your taxes to be reduced without losing our high-quality service, please vote for Tony on December 13th. See below for details. This is our most important election. The union is pulling out all the stops against us. But the taxpayers will prevail once again, with your help.

This is our one chance to get costs under control and put you, the Taxpayer, first.

We Need Three!  

Election Details: Elections will be held on Tuesday, December 13th from 3 pm to 9 pm. You must vote in person at Fishers Fire Station, 380 High Street. Mark your calendar and send us a reply that you, your family, and your friends will be voting for Tony Carfagno. As always, we appreciate your support.

Your friends at the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition.

Latest Updates 9/24/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Budget: It is budget season for the Fishers Fire District. This past Tuesday the FFD Board of Commissioners finalized the 2023 budget subject to a review by the public and a final approval vote on Tuesday, October 18. With the help of Commissioners Dewey and Hogan, $700,000 will be sent back to taxpayers and will help keep taxes lower. This is a temporary fix based on returning money that was improperly collected in previous years. It is imperative that we get our third board member elected so the needed changes to permanently lower the tax rate can be made.

Contract Update: As mentioned last month FFD received a long-term contract extension proposal from the union. The contract has been reviewed by an experienced labor lawyer (30+ years) and the lawyer sent a memo to the district outlining areas that need negotiation. At the September meeting, the board agreed that Commissioner Hogan will represent the taxpayers along with Commissioner Fischer and the labor lawyer as the negotiating team. 

Updates will be provided to you on this process over the upcoming months. Unfortunately, New York State law prevents us from discussing the actual terms of the proposed contract until negotiations are complete.

Election: The upcoming election will be held on December 13 from 3:00 pm – 9 pm at Station 2 (High Street). You must vote in person because absentee ballots are not supported. Mark your calendars NOW! And please have your family and friends in the district mark their calendars now. This is the most important election because it will take us from a minority position to a majority position on the Board, which will allow us to make the permanent changes that are needed.

The Fishers Taxpayer Coalition will be announcing our candidate shortly. If you are interested in helping with the campaign or donating money to help fund our efforts, please send an email to us at

Next FFD Board of Commissioners Meeting! Please plan to attend.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

6:30 pm

Fisher's Fire Station #2, 

380 High St, Victor, NY 14564

Latest Updates 8/19/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We're sorry we've been quiet over the summer, but we hope you've had a restful one. It's time to get back into FFD awareness as we have some major things coming up.

Today’s email covers three very important topics. Read on!!

Budget Meeting Scheduled for August 30, 6:00 pm at High Street

After a review of the preliminary budget, there are several areas of concern that will need public support and input. Please plan to attend if at all possible.

Election Coming Right Up!

It’s hard to believe but there are less than 4 months until the election! We have our candidate lined up and are starting to prepare our campaign plan. This is the most critical year because winning will mean that we (the concerned citizens of Fishers!) finally have control of the Board of Commissioners and will work diligently towards YOUR goals with YOUR input.

We are actively accepting donations to fund the campaign as well as looking for helpers for various tasks. Please respond to this email for further information.

August 16 Meeting Updates

As usual, there was never a dull moment at our monthly meeting. 

As always, we continue to appreciate your support and look forward to getting out the vote later this year!

FFD July Doc-6.docx

Latest Updates 3/26/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

On Tuesday, March 15, the monthly Commissioner’s meeting was held. In our opinion, the meeting was one of the worst in the last two years. Read the following carefully. The transcript from the meeting recording can be read here: Transcript from the meeting recording 3/15/22 Meeting Dialogue

Don't have time? Here’s a quick recap: Commissioner Fischer managed to insult Commissioners Dewey/Hogan, the taxpayer base, and specifically one individual taxpayer in attendance. Based on his comments, the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition is demanding the immediate resignation of Chairman Fischer. 

Here are our main concerns: 

As always, we love hearing from you and look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, which will be Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30pm at the Fishers Fire Station on High Street. Please join us at this meeting to demand that the other 3 commissioners take direction and action based on taxpayer input.  

Latest Updates 2/18/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Here is a recap of the major items discussed at the February 15, 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting that we will need to watch carefully as we move forward.

Let’s keep our eyes on:

The above are just a few of the many issues the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition is working on by providing input to Commissioners Dewey/Hogan. If you have ideas or comments, let us know.

The next meeting is Tuesday, March 15, 6:30 pm at Station #2 (High Street)

As always we appreciate your support.

Latest Updates 1/20/2022

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Last night the Fishers Fire District held its first official full meeting for the year. With Commissioner Fred Dewey on board, the team had a few victories!

The December 7th meeting minutes have been a topic of contention ever since it was held.

Commissioner Hogan presented a resolution to rescind the meeting that was held on the first Tuesday of the month.

Finally, Chief Chapman tried to gain approval to add another full-time firefighter.

We continue to encourage ALL citizens to attend regular meetings and make sure their concerns are being heard. The next meeting is on February 15, 6:30 pm at Fishers Fire Station #2 (High Street).

Latest Updates 12/8/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Fred Dewey has put together an excellent summary video of what we stand for here at the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition, and why people should vote for him. We are also putting it on our website tonight,


Click here to watch it, click here or go to the direct link: 

Please consider forwarding to all of your friends and family who live in our district.


Don't forget to put in your calendar to vote on Tuesday, December 14th from 3pm to 9pm at the High Street fire station.

Latest Updates 12/2/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We are less than two weeks away from the election. Have you marked your calendars for December 14, 3-9 pm at the Fishers Fire Station on High Street? Please tell your friends and family about the election and ask them to vote as well.

In case you were wondering, there are a lot of good reasons to support Fred Dewey for Commissioner. We've made this simple chart so you can compare the key issues (you can also check it out on

As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at the polls.

Fred Dewey Comparison (1).pdf

Breaking News Updates 11/24/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

It’s election time! Many of you have asked, and we're excited to formally announce that FFDFacts, Commissioner Deb Hogan, and the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition are endorsing Fred Dewey as our candidate for Commissioner of the Fishers Fire District. Please plan to vote for Fred on December 14, 3-9pm, at Fishers Fire Station #2 (380 High Street). Add this to your calendar now!

During this past year, Fred Dewey has stepped up numerous times to support our mission (lower taxes, excellent service) while John Williamson (Fred’s opponent) has advocated for the status quo. In May, Fred presented a detailed plan to the Board to lower taxes by 40% and maintains high-quality service

Fred also went on record to oppose the building of a new $10-14 million fire station. The plan presented by Commissioner Williamson at the budget meeting included a new firehouse in 2024. Once we have three Commissioners on the Board, we will block this plan.

Please review our home page ( and get to know Fred Dewey. He has an amazing bio and would be an asset to any organization, especially the Fishers Fire District. Fred brings knowledge and experience that can’t be matched by the other candidate.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at As always, thank you for your support! You are helping make a huge difference in the changes we are seeing with the Fishers Fire District.

Breaking News Updates 11/02/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Over the weekend, New York State's Comptroller released an audit on the Fishers Fire District. Read the whole audit report, here.

First, we'd like to thank our members who contacted NYS and requested an audit for the District. In June, we were notified that the district was being audited, but for obvious reasons, we wanted to keep this under wraps. Today, with the help of our citizen's efforts, we can confidently say that FFD has been overtaxing and under-communicating its financial business.

Key findings are:

What can you do now? Review the audit, demand action, and attend meetings. The next "big" meeting will be on Tuesday, November 16th at 6:30 PM. Mark your calendars now to be at Fire Station #2!

Latest Updates 10/18/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Tomorrow is a BIG day for all of Fishers' citizens. At 6 pm, the Fire District will be presenting its 2022 budget and this will be the LAST opportunity for the public to let their voices be heard. Following the 6 pm meeting, the commissioners will vote on the budget.

Please attend! This is a super important meeting that WILL affect your taxes. If you're unsure of how or where to attend, please don't hesitate to reach out. We cannot do this without you, our concerned citizen!

Latest Updates 10/4/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

For those of you who were unable to attend the FFD meeting in person on September 21st, here is a recap:

Other topics included:

As always, thank you for your support!  You are helping make a huge difference in the changes we are seeing with the Fishers Fire District.

Latest Updates 9/13/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thanks to all of you who sent letters to the Commissioners and have regularly attended our meetings!! Your message was received LOUD AND CLEAR.


While we can't declare victory yet (the budget is not final), significant progress was made in achieving our $1.2 million dollar reduction in the 2022 budget. At the current moment, the 2021 tax rate is $3.464 per thousand dollars of assessment and the 2022 number stands currently at $2.82 (a 19% DECREASE)!!


Commissioners Williamson and Johnson reworked the long-term apparatus plan so that NO TAXES ($300,000) will be collected this year to add to the reserve funds. Commissioner Hogan supported a moratorium for three years with the fund balance still having over $.5 million remaining at the end of the 3 years. A compromise was reached for the plan (2022-$0, 2023-$50,000, 2024-$100,000).


Commissioners Mike Skidmore and Lieutenant Pete Ellison developed a long-term building plan. This will result in NO TAXES ($200,000) in the long-term plan for the next 3 years (2022-$0, 2023-$0, 2024-$0). The plan now includes no spending on land or a training center until a consolidation plan is considered.


Finally, there was a discussion about the Unassigned Fund Balance and how much of that should be returned to the public (via a lower tax rate). Commissioner Hogan proposed $750,000 and Commissioner Skidmore proposed $600,000. A compromise by Commissioner Williamson was accepted at $700,000,


There are still a few remaining issues to be discussed before the budget is final but we have come a long way since this entire journey started in February of 2020. 


There is still a LOT of work to be done... getting together with Victor to discuss consolidation, renegotiating the union contract, and getting committed citizens in Commissioner positions to make it happen.


On a final note, Commissioner and Chairman Fischer missed yet another meeting! This meeting was specifically rescheduled per his request to ensure he could attend. During the public comments, two citizens discussed the importance of having ALL Commissioners at the meeting and requested he resign. We all know he has an extremely busy schedule and hopes he will seriously consider their message. It would be beneficial to have someone who can regularly participate take his place on the board.


NEXT MEETING: September 21, 6:30 pm, High Street Station. See you then!

Latest Updates 9/7/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

We hope everyone had a great weekend. Please take note that Tuesday's Board of Commissioners meeting has moved to Thursday, September 9th at 6 pm (fire station #2).  Following that meeting, there will be most likely the LAST budget workshop before the final October Budget meeting.

Please do everything that you can to attend both meetings: bring your neighbors, friends, significant others, etc. Let your voice be heard and ensure that the FFD knows your feelings on where (and how much!) your tax money is spent.

Finally, if you haven't done so already, please consider sending a letter (below) to the commissioners. If you are physically mailing a copy, please send it to Station #2 at 380 High Street.

Budget Letter-  Our commissioners have stated that only a small portion of the public (those that diligently attend FFD meetings) are the ones who want a tax reduction

Get the EMAIL version of our template, here.

Get the MAILED version of our template, here.

Latest Updates 8/23/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thank you to all who showed up to Tuesday's Board of Commissioners Meeting and the previous budget workshop meeting. There's a lot to catch up on, but more importantly, we need your help! This email includes: A letter template for lowering our budget and a detailed look at how simple it might be for FFD to lower our budget.

*If you only have time for one thing, read this first section*

Budget Letter-  Our commissioners have stated that only a small portion of the public (those that diligently attend FFD meetings) are the ones who want a tax reduction

Get the EMAIL version of our template, here.

Get the MAILED version of our template, here.

Budget Update- The initial budget called for a 12.5% INCREASE over last year. 

Reserves/Unassigned Funds: Our reserve and unassigned funds continue to increase. Over the past five years these are the actual numbers:

Unassigned | Equipment | Land/Building

2017 $651,536.00 |  $961,593.00 | $530,530.00 

2018 $1,078,755.00 | $954,722.00 | $731,718.00 

2019 $1,495,914.00 | $807,992.00 | $1,331,583.00 

2020 $1,848,362.00 | $1,075,020.00 | $1,542,789.00 

Jul-21 $2,319,455.00 | $1,415,997.00  | $1,744,096.00 

Reserves/Unassigned Funds Cont: While there is no doubt that it is appropriate to set aside some monies from the unassigned for contingency purposes, there will still be a significant amount that could be "refunded" to taxpayers as part of the budget process

Training Center/Land Purchase: Where will all of our money go? Well, the NYS audit has actually asked for a "plan" to be put together on how to spend all of the excess money that FFD has collected from its citizens, and review that plan with the public.

Overtime: This is one area we would love to see FFD improve upon. In 2020, the average overtime was about 235 hours per person! At a 1.5x pay rate, this costs taxpayers an additional $279,000 per year.

Fishers Volunteer Fire Organization: Many of you probably received your annual donation request from the Fishers Volunteer Fire Organization. We find it disgraceful that we pay over $5,000,000.00 (five million) for our fire service... but that's still not enough? 

Please attend! With the summer winding down, we hope to see a few more people at FFD meetings. If you're unsure of how or where to attend, please don't hesitate to reach out. We cannot do this without you, our concerned citizen!

Breaking News 8/10/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

It was just brought to our attention that the Fishers Fire District website announced TODAY that the commissioners will be meeting to discuss the 2022 Budget THIS THURSDAY (8/12/21). Make no mistake, THIS IS OUR OPPORTUNITY to let our voices be heard. Please do everything you can to attend this meeting... even bring a friend or a neighbor! If we don't want our taxes to continue to rise, we must SHOW UP.

See you there at 6pm, Thursday, August 12th at Fire Station #2 (380 High Street).

Latest Updates 7/29/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thank you to all who showed up to Tuesday's Board of Commissioners Meeting-- We apologize for the delay in our recap. We were waiting for the outcomes of two meetings, the FLREMSC meeting, which occurred on Monday of this week, and the Victor/Farmington joint town board meeting, which occurred Tuesday of this week.

So, without further ado, here we go! First, a recap of the FFD meeting that took place on July 20th:

Now, onto the FLREMSC meeting:

Additionally, as if this wasn't enough, the town boards of Victor and Farmington met on Tuesday, July 27th, to discuss adding a new tax for residents (of both towns) to support the ambulance service (this is NOT for the ALS service of FFD). 

Latest Updates 6/19/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thank you to all who showed up at Tuesday's meeting. There is a lot to recap, but if you're short on time, here's what happened (more details below):

On to the treasurer's report and audit...

Commissioner Hogan has challenged the board members to “refund” $1.4 million minimum with a realistic expectation of $1.6 million in the next budget cycle. This would take the current tax rate from $3.464 to 2.464, a reduction of 29% to our tax bills.

That's all for today. We will keep you updated when the official minutes come out and remind you of upcoming meetings. Thank you again to everyone who has shown their support!

Latest Updates 6/14/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Do you know what time it is? That's right, after weeks away... it's finally meeting time tomorrow night at 6:30 pm.

As you can see, the FFD assumes we will back down and let them do as they please. We may have been blinded in the past, but our eyes are wide open now. Please join us at Station #2 tomorrow night at 6:30 pm to let your voice be heard. After over 6 months of work, we will not back down now.

Breaking News 5/21/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Hang onto your seats, folks! It was a bumpy ride at Tuesday’s FFD Board of Commissioners meeting and we have three main topics to report on.

Supervisor Marren: As the liaison from the town, the Supervisor gave us an update on the progress with the county-wide study.

Resolutions: There were several resolutions brought forward by Commissioner Hogan for transparency.  Once again, this led to a lot of discussion, and questions from the Commissioners about why this was needed.  The response was there was a lack of trust of the Board members. 

*It's worth noting that we do believe a formal, written resignation will be needed to finalize this. However, as a group who is clearly trying to prove their trustworthiness, we fully expect the other Commissioners to hold Commissioner Mann to his word. There will always be different points of view in the room, but we need and demand commissioners willing to listen and take appropriate action, not walk out of the room.


As always, we appreciate the public who attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of those who were unable to attend. The next meeting will be on June 1st at 6:00 pm (note it is NOT at the usual 6:30 pm). Please join us then for the next chapter as we continue to pursue budget cuts for 2022.

Latest Updates 5/17/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Tomorrow is another Board of Commissioners Meeting.  Please be aware that the location has CHANGED to Station #2 in the truck bay. The time remains at 6:30 pm and we hope to see you there!

In exciting news, one of our followers FOILed the FFD for the full meeting agenda. You can find that here. As you'll see, Commissioner Hogan continues to push her resolutions that would allow for greater transparency. We hope that, unlike previous meetings, the other commissioners will consider seconding and actually approving these resolutions:

If the taxpayers and the district are ever going to meet in the middle, we MUST have these simple requests passed. Taxpayers are no longer turning a blind eye to how our district is run. There is a way that it can be run effectively AND efficiently. We hope the board sees and hears our concerns.

Latest Updates 5/3/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thank you to all who showed up to Tuesday's Board of Commissioners Meeting. The meeting held on April 20 was a replay of other meetings. And before we forget, we hope to see you tomorrow, May 4th, at 6:30 pm for the next Board of Commissioners meeting. As you'll read below, we need to continue to show our faces and make sure that the taxpayers' voices are heard.

4/20/21 Recap:

  FFD Board Presentation - Dewey - 04-20-2021.pptx

 Fred Dewey Presentation to Fishers Fire Dept Bo...

The taxpayers were visibly frustrated by the actions of the board.  It will be interesting to see if the Board responds next month to the call to action given by Fred Dewey.

Latest Updates 4/19/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Well, it's that time of the month again, Fishers Fire Department just released their agenda for Tuesday's meeting (tomorrow, 6:30 pm at Firehouse #2 on 380 High St-- and we hope to see you there). Much to our pleasure, there are a lot of GOOD things on this agenda. But also as anticipated, there are some things on here that just make us shake our head. Let's dive in and take a quick look:

Three Cheers!:

Not everything is looking great though... Three Jeers:

We cannot state this enough, we need YOU, the taxpayers to attend these meetings to ensure that the commissioners are representing their tax-paying citizens. This meeting will take place TOMORROW at 6:30 pm, at 380 High St, Victor, NY. We hope to see you there!

Breaking News 3/19/2021

Yesterday, we recapped what happened at the Fishers Fire District Board of Commissioners meeting (read that, here). Perhaps one of the most frustrating aspects was that we were so close to transparency, and yet so far. Today, we received a letter from Commissioner Hogan and thought it was something our followers would want to read. Please see below (or attached) for a statement coming directly from Commissioner Hogan:


At Tuesday’s board meeting, I made three motions to improve the timeliness and transparency of meeting minutes, Chief’s reports, and resolutions for taxpayers.  All three were rejected by my fellow Commissioners.  When asked why this was done, Commissioner Skidmore responded that these needed to be reviewed by legal before posting, that this would cause undue burden to the staff and that this was not required by NYS law.

So let’s look at this:


Total time to create transparency:  LESS THAN 3 MINUTES!!  There is NO ADDITIONAL admin burden. 

For your information, none of the Commissioners, Chief or Staff knows how to post to the website.  A VOLUNTEER does this for them!

Next month, I will be adding the following resolution to the agenda.  Let’s hope it passes.


It is the goal of the Board of Commissioners to improve the timeliness and transparency of documents to the taxpayers of the Fishers Fire District.



**End of Commissioner Hogan's Letter**

Whoa.... would you look at this. A Fishers Commissioner is on the side of the people? Say no more, we THANK Commissioner Hogan for putting herself on the line. We know the other four Commissioners will probably balk at this but guess what...if you're reading this Commissioners, you guys have an OPPORTUNITY to change your tune. Do right by the people and pass these resolutions. We WILL be watching.

Please also don't forget, as the public,  YOU have the right to request these documents that the Commissioners keep hiding from us.  Perhaps if the district receives a FOIL request from each citizen, the Commissioners might see the value in posting them.  A sample FOIL request is here:

Date of Request: ________ex: 3/17/2021

To: Records Access Officer – Tina Kolaczyk (

I would like to obtain copies of the following records:

Include your name, address, phone #, and email address.

As always, thank YOU, our citizens of Fishers, for showing up to these meetings.  The next one will take place on April 20th, 2021 at 6:30 pm. We hope you can bring a friend and help voice your concern.

Latest Updates 3/18/2021

**We would like to make a correction to our March update.  We apologize for any confusion we might have caused.**

Hello Concerned Citizen!

Thank you to all who showed up to Tuesday's Board of Commissioners Meeting. We understand not everyone can attend, so here is your latest update on what happened. It was yet another challenging (fishy?) meeting, so you might want to grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger since you might need it) before you sit down and read this.

Latest Updates 3/15/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen-

Tomorrow night is a BIG night. It's another Fishers Commissioner Meeting and we hope to see you there on Tuesday, March 16th at 6:30 pm at Fire Station #2.  If we want to reduce our taxes and truly understand what is going on in our fire district, it is important that represent and SHOW UP! 

What's in store for tomorrow? As mentioned, on Sunday nights, the FFD releases its agenda for the upcoming meeting, so we have those details now. Tomorrow night, we have the Victor Supervisor speaking, some MAJOR resolutions being put forth (at last) and so much more going on. Check out the whole agenda here, or keep scrolling for some quick information. You WON'T want to miss this meeting... bring a friend, too!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at 6:30 pm, Fire Station #2.

Latest Updates 2/21/2021

Hello Concerned Citizen!

As you recall, there was a Board of Commissioners Meeting this past Tuesday, February 16th. As promised, we're here to update you on everything we've learned.

Before we get started, we hope you'll appreciate our new colors. This blue email will serve more as an update- pre-meeting agendas, post-meeting thoughts, etc. They will come out pretty regularly based on those items: pre-meeting agendas are currently posted the Sunday night before a meeting (so likely you won't hear from us until the Monday or Tuesday the day of the meeting), and we promise within a week of a Tuesday meeting you'll hear from us again (likely the following weekend). Red emails will be reserved for breaking news, based on FOIL requests, informed sources, or pieces of information that come about not revealed through the commissioner's meetings themselves.

So, let's dive into what we learned this past Tuesday!

Have something you think we'd like to hear? We've received some awesome suggestions from our fellow citizens. Rest assured we WILL listen to you and your concerns. We WILL do everything we can to shine a light on our district. We CANNOT keep our ELECTED officials in check withoutour support. Email us any time at

– FFD Facts Admin Team

Pre-Election Emails and Updates

Breaking News 1/19/2021 - Pt. 3


First, let me thank every single person who came out to vote.  Fishers cares!  And that's important.

To all of my supporters, THANK YOU!  The public has spoken and there is a clear mandate for how to proceed.

Now the results:

- 730 people voted (the most in over 30 years)!!

- 24 people had to sign affidavits because they were not on the voter rolls.  These votes were NOT counted, since the results were clear.  They will be turned over to the Board of Elections and the names will be added to the voting rolls for all future elections.

   - The final count was 528 - Hogan 178 - Marasco

Real work begins on Tuesday 1/26 - The real work begins next week when I am sworn in as your Commissioner.  I am here for you!  As we move forward, I will continue to use this website to keep the community informed and will work to improve communications by the district as well.

Please feel free to attend the district meetings.  The next one is 1/26 at Fishers Fire Station #2 (where you voted) and it starts at 6:30 pm.  We need MORE citizens to be involved!

Also, I am available anytime to talk (585-737-9484) or email:

Let's get to work!!

Breaking News 1/19/2021 - Pt. 2



Get the vote out: Since the beginning of this journey, one of my main goals was to simply get people out to vote. Whether it was for me or not. Today is a historic day... I just received word that count is in process and we think that 730* people came out and voted today. If true, that is almost a 4000% (yes, you read those zeros correctly) better turnout than in 2019 when there were a measly 19 voters.

Whether you voted for me or not, THANK YOU. Thank you for being involved in this community and letting your voice be heard.

As promised, I will also be keeping this website up and running -- WIN OR LOSE. You the people deserve to be kept in the loop. Stay tuned for the results!

*The initial number we heard wsa 731, this update has been amended to reflect the official number of total votes.

Breaking News 1/19/2021 - Pt. 1

Please VOTE today!

EVERY PENNY COUNTS!  These are OUR tax $ and they should be used wisely, no matter how big or small!

Reserve Funds: Did you know that the Fishers Fire District has over $1.7 million dollars tied up in reserve/contingency reserve funds and another $1.1 million in equipment reserve funds?  What are the plans for this $?  From what I see, they are going to use the reserve fund to purchase land for a new firehouse (no approval needed).  

Cell Phones: The Commissioners elected to pay Lieutenants a "stipend" for using their personal cell phones as part of their job.  Sounds like a cost-saving measure, right?  When you consider we pay $1000/year as a stipend, that doesn't sound like a bargain to me!!  Verizon's plan for just one phone (and I'm willing to bet they have family members with phones so the cost is even lower) is $76.00 including tax.  So in reality, we are paying 100%+ for a phone that is supposed to be for both personal/work.

One might argue I'm looking at "small potatoes", but the idea I'm trying to promote is that the WASTE is everywhere, even with small items.

Postcards: I'm sure you received the postcard from the Fishers Fire Department about the election.  At the meeting, the Treasurer stated this cost them over $1100 to send.  They must not have "shopped" at all because I used the same mailing list as them and I paid $886 for a 2-sided color postcard.  MORE WASTE!

PLEASE NOTE:  I will continue to use this website to alert citizens of what's happening with the Fishers Fire District, WIN OR LOSE!!

Visit our FACTS page for more info on this and other topics! FFD Facts

– Deb Hogan

Breaking News 1/12/2021


Over the weekend, I read this really interesting article: Overlooked fire district elections come with a price.

While the article is based on Monroe County, I felt like it was talking about the Fishers Fire District.

Let's see what our area looks like.  Using the exact same method as the writer (and the exact same data sources), we can figure out how Fishers and Victor stack up using  median housing data from each location:

Fishers Fire District: $1,142

Victor Fire District: $378


We are the most expensive Fire District in both Monroe and Ontario counties (and it's not even close)

It is time for a change!

Some of the other key points the writer made:

1. Elections drawing a fraction of the voters (our historical turnout is even less than 1%); in 2019 we had 19 voters!  With the minimal communication from the fire district about these elections, it's not really a surprise.

2. Commissioners have oversight of the budgets (in our case $5.5 m).  Districts are run by a board of five commissioners that are authorized by state law to levy taxes and set budgets to pay for fire protection (not the Town of Victor)

3. Like other taxing entities in New York, fire districts are by law capped at how much they can raise taxes each year. But commissioners can vote to override the tax cap, and the FFD Commissioners frequently do.

4. The elections are governed by the state’s Town Law and not subject to the same oversight as general elections, despite districts, managing millions of tax dollars.

Commissioners decide the polling hours, how polling sites are staffed, and who will count the votes. Districts are permitted, but not required, to use the voting systems compliant with state Election Law.  (NOTE: FFD does not).

5. Most districts use paper ballots, and while state law bars commissioners from being ballot clerks, there have been instances where relatives of commissioners were tapped to count ballots.  (ALL 3 COUNTERS IN THE LAST ELECTION were either former commissioners or relatives of such).

6. Measures like these are about transparency. As the system stands, the traditional checks and balances of most local government elections are not present in fire districts.  This is EXACTLY why I am running!!

Breaking News 1/7/2021

POOR MANAGEMENT is costing us LIVES and $!

Saving Lives: I recently went through some reports (Jan-Sep) for our fire district and was SHOCKED to learn the Fishers Fire District responded to only 61% of the 218 Advanced Life Support (ALS) calls sent to them.  An ALS call (heart attack, stroke, difficulty breathing, etc) requires “All hands on deck”.  While I’ve heard lots from the district about how FAST we respond (<1 min), they forgot to tell us that’s only when they go.  That means 85 people had to have their life saved by someone else!

Overtime is OUT OF CONTROL.  In 2020, with 26 full-time paid firefighters our bill for overtime was nearly $280,000!  That is 13% of the total amount we paid out.

Ask your friends to subscribe to our website or send me their email directly ( so I can update them on the latest.  We need email addresses!!! 

FREE MONEY!  Who wouldn’t like some?

– Deb Hogan

Breaking News 12/23/2021


That is EXACTLY what the FFD Commissioners want to do (and yes, Station #1 is functioning and has even seen some renovations, recently!).

To find out more about replacing FFD#1, click the link here: Replace FFD#1 

Breaking News 12/16/2021

Fishers Fire District Run-Off Scheduled for Jan 19

I am not sure why the Fishers Fire District (FFD) has not posted this info… 

On Tuesday night the FFD Commissioners passed four resolutions:

1.       The election committee (counters plus lawyer for FFD) will be asked to decertify the election held December 8, 2020

          and file this with the Town of Victor.  The election will be declared a tie due to a ‘voter irregularity’.

2.       A run-off election will be held on January 19, 2021 from 3pm – 9pm at a neutral location no later than Friday 

          December 18, 2020.

3.       Form of the written ballot will have both candidates names listed.

4.        The commissioners will authorize a post card be sent to every eligible voter within the district with the date, time,            location and both candidates names.

December 15th, 2020 Meeting

Let's take a quick dive into this meeting... something seems... fishy. (Click here for the official minutes)

Don't you just love it when the board goes into executive session for a half-hour, so that they can make the public wait around (or better yet, leave so they can do some shady things without anyone present)? Turns out, the board of commissioners went into session at 8:07pm and didn't come out until 8:35pm. Was anyone still around to hear the following?  The answer to that is Debra Hogan (then a taxpayer only) stayed to hear the resolutions regarding the run-off elections and then left.  None of the Commissioners bothered to mention that there was still business they planned on conducting.  So the following resolutions were not seen by the public, given input by the public and voted on without the public present.


Yes. This is exactly what you think it is. While we're over here trying to reduce costs, the FFD Commissioners made it nearly impossible to make changes to staffing levels until the end of the union contract (12/31/2023). The union contract previously did not specify the number of firefighters required.  This was an area Commissioner Hogan wanted to discuss/explore.  From what we understand (a FOIL request has been made) on December 15, FFD Commissioners agreed to adjust the union contract requiring FIVE firefighters on every team (plus a lieutenant). This commits FFD to a minimum of 25 employees for the next 3 years.  WOWZA.  This was approved 4-0 by Fischer, Johnson, Marasco & Skimore (Mann absent)


You best believe that we are FOILing this. While we can not definitively say what's going on with this, our hunch is that we're (yet again) INCREASING Chief Chapman's salary. And probably his benefits as well.  As if $127,500 plus benefits is not enough! This was approved 4-0 by Fischer, Johnson, Marasco & Skimore (Mann absent)


The meeting minutes indicate that there should be attachments at the end of it. We see none. Is FFD trying to make it harder for tax-paying citizens to see crucial information?

Did we mention, NEITHER OF THESE WAS ON THE AGENDA? Weird, right? Keep the meeting late after the 8:30pm scheduled time. Bring new items up that benefit... well you know who. (See the meeting agenda here