About FFD Facts

This website is run by the Fishers Taxpayer Coalition, which is a large group of citizens who want to see cost-effective fire and emergency service. Our goals are to:

  • Keep the public informed about the major problems that have been identified by us and a NYS audit with the management of the district. We will share the up-until-now hidden reality of what your fire district has been doing, and the inappropriate way they are taxing/spending our money.

  • Fix the over-taxation and lack of transparency in our district, by endorsing and promoting a candidate at each annual election who is committed to correcting the district's deep financial issues.

This year we are working with three like-minded commissioners, and we look forward to serving YOU

How to Contact us? We want to hear from YOU! Please feel free to reach out to us with ANY information or questions that you have. FFDFacts@gmail.com.