
Working Papers

The Welfare Costs of Business Cycles Unveiled: Measuring the Extent of Stabilization Policies. [Cleveland Fed WP]

with Fabio Gomes and André LuduviceR&R - European Economic Review

Economic conditions and voting behavior

with Gustavo Correa-da-SilvaValdemar Pinho Neto, and Victor Rangel. Submitted

On the features of the media of exchange: digital currency versus physical currency

with Jefferson Bertolai, and Beatriz Cezarino. Submitted

On the welfare costs of consumption fluctuations and reducing growth: the role of habit formation

with Gabriel Couto and Fabio Gomes.

Natural disasters and financial technology adoption

with Bruno Delalibera, Valdemar Pinho Neto, and Victor Rangel. Online Appendix.  Submitted

Durable and non-durable consumption responses to indebtedness shocks

with Bruno Delalibera, Fabio Gomes, and Juliano Galle. Online Appendix

Working in progress:

Fatores Associados ao Custo de Bem-Estar das Flutuações Econômicas: Algumas Evidências Empíricas

with Lucas Estrela and Fábio Gomes.


Government, Taxation and Economic Complexity. Applied Economics Letters. (Accepted)

 Luiz Brotherhood, Fabio Gomes, and Victor Rangel.

The welfare costs of business cycles: Beyond nondurable goods. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2023 (link)

with Gabriel Couto and Fabio Gomes

Misallocation of talent, teachers' human capital, and development in Brazil. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2023 (link)

with Bruno Delalibera, Luciano Nakabashi, and Marcos Ribeiro

Cryptocurrency is accounting coordination: selfish mining and double spending in a simple mining game. Mathematical Social Sciences. 2023

with Jefferson Bertolai, and Matheus Carrijo

Geopolitical Risk Shocks and The Brazilian Economy. Applied Economics Letters. 2022 (link)

with Fabio Gomes, and Gian Soave.

Bonus to firearms seizures and police performance. Economics Letters. 2022. (link). 

with Bruno Delalibera, Valdemar Pinho Neto, and Victor Rodrigues.  Online Appendix.

Economic complexity and corporate governance.  Applied Economics Letters. 2022. (link

with Luiz Brotherhood, and Victor Rodrigues. Supplementary material

On the determinants of a stable long-run relationship between energy consumption and economic growth. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment. 2022

with Victor Rodrigues.

Consumption and savings decisions: teaching the precautionary motive in intermediary macroeconomics courses. Journal of Economics Teaching. 2022 (link)

with Thalita Calcini, and Fabio Gomes.

On the regulation of checked bags in the airline industry. International Economic Journal. 2021.

with Rafael Castilho and Daniel Galvêas.

Price dynamics of cryptocurrencies in parallel markets: evidence from Bitcoin exchanges in Brazil. Studies in Economics and Finance. 2021. [WP version]

with Daniel Modenesi, Fabio Motoki, and Matheus Silva. Online Appendix.

A forensic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 cases and COVID-19 mortality underreporting in the Brazilian population. Public Health. 2021.

with Carlos Fuso, and Daniel Galvêas. Supplementary Information.

Desigualdade e Desenvolvimento: Revisitando a hipótese de Kuznets após a redução da desigualdade nos municípios brasileiros. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos. 2019.

with Fabio Gomes and Gian Soave.

Coffee Exports and Industrialization in Brazil.  Applied Economics Letters. 2019.  

with Alex Ferreira, Renato Marcondes, and Ricardo Prioste.

Market frictions, misallocation of talent and development. Economics Bulletin. 2018. 

with Bruno Dellalibera.

Predictability of Aggregate Consumption in Brazil: Habits, Non-Separability between Consumption and Leisure, or Credit Constraint? Brazilian Review of Econometrics. 2018.

with Bruno Dellalibera and Valdemar Pinho Neto.

The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles for Heterogeneous Consumers: A StateSpace Decomposition. Economics Bulletin. 2017.

with Francisco Lima Filho and Diego Silva.

Custo das flutuações econômicas depois do Plano Real. Economia Aplicada.  2016.

with Valdemar Pinho Neto.