Bruno R. Delalibera

Welcome to my website! 

I am an economist and an assistant professor in the Department of Economic Theory at Universitat de Barcelona.  I obtained my PhD in Economics at the Brazilian School of Economics and Finance at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV EPGE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Although my main fields of interest are Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, and Development, I am also interested in applied econometrics, specifically to evaluate public policies.  

I finished my PhD in 2018 and worked for three years in the private sector before returning to academia in 2022. In 2019, I worked at Petrobras (the largest Oil and Gas company in Latin America) as the CEO's advisor until mid-2021. Then, I started a new position in the financial market, working at BTG Pactual (the largest investment bank in Latin America) in the macroeconomic research area until June/22.

Even though I worked in the private sector between 2019 and 2022, I continued working on my research projects. I was also a Lecturer at the Getulio Vargas Foundation during that period.

Research interests: Macroeconomics, Growth and  Development Economics.

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