
Journal articles

20.  Job displacement costs of phasing out coal, Journal of Public Economics vol. 236, August 2024 (with Michael Simmons, Gerhard Toews, and Juan Pablo Rud) paper

19. COVID-19 and economic preferences: evidence from a panel of cab drivers, forthcoming at the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (with Noelia Bernal, Mariano Bosch and Oswaldo Molina) paper replication package

18. The long-term impact of a resource-based fiscal windfall: evidence from the Peruvian canon, Resources Policy 87 part A, 2023 (with Hernan Winkler) paper  replication package

17. The persistent effects of COVID-19 on labor outcomes: evidence from Peru, Applied Economics Letters  30:8, pp. 1065-1076, 2023  (with Minoru Higa and Carlos Ospino) paper working paper online appendix

16. Are small farms really more productive than large farms? Food Policy 106, 2022 (with Juan Pablo Rud and Diego Restuccia) paper 

15. Custom Elections and Local Policies: the Case of Canada's First Nations,  AEA Papers & Proceedings 111, pp. 238-42, 2021 (with Anke Kessler) paper - working paper - online appendix

14. Climate Change and Agriculture: Farmer Responses to Extreme Heat, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13(1) pp. 1-35, 2021 (with Juan Pablo Rud and Francisco Oteiza) working paper  -  VoxDev blog - paper 

13.  National or sub-national parties: Does party geographic scope matter?, Journal of Development Economics 146, 2020 (with Ricardo Pique and Alexey Makarin), working paper

12. Credit lines in microcredit: Short-term evidence from a randomized controlled trial in India, Journal of Development Economics 146, 2020 (with Alex Karaivanov and Karuna Krishnaswamy) working paper - paper 

11.  Property rights and risk aversion: Evidence from a titling program, World Development 134, 2020 (with Oswaldo Molina and Ingo Leon-Outes) working paper - paper

10. Better the Devil You Know? Re-elected Politicians and Policy Outcomes Under no Term Limits,  Public Choice  82, issue 1-2, pp 1–16, 2020 (with Ricardo Pique)  paper - online appendix

9. Property rights on First Nations’ reserve land, Canadian Journal of Economics 53 (2),  pp. 460-495, 2020 (with Anke Kessler)  paper

8. Resource shocks, employment, and gender: evidence from the collapse of the UK coal industry

Labour Economics 52, pp. 54-67, 2018 (with Juan Pablo Rud and Gerhard Toews)   paper

7. Particulate matter and labor supply: the role of caregiving and non-linearities

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 86, pp. 295-330, 2017  (with Juan Jose Miranda and Paulina Oliva)   paper 

6. Polluting Industries and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Mining in Ghana

Economic Journal 126 (597), pp. 1980-2011, 2016 (with Juan Pablo Rud)    paperonline appendix

5. Do better property rights improve local income?: Evidence from First Nations‘ treaties

 Journal of Development Economics 116, pp. 43-56, 2015    paper -    online appendix - policy e-brief

4. Why do Parties Use Primaries?: Political Selection vs. Candidate Incentives?

 Public Choice 160(1), 2014    paper -   online appendix

3.  Natural Resources and Local Communities: Evidence from a Peruvian Gold Mine 

 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5(2), May 2013    (with Juan Pablo Rud) paper - online appendix

2. Local Spending, Transfers and Costly Tax Collection

National Tax Journal 66(2), 343-370, June 2013   paper -   online appendix

1. Candidate Nomination Procedures and Quality of Government

 B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (contributions) 13(2), 783-810, 2013   paper

Other publications

2. The Local Economic Impacts of Resource Abundance: What Have We Learned?

Chapter 2 in "Socioeconomic Impact of Mining on Local Communities in Africa", World Bank Group, Report No. ACS14621, June 2015  (with Punam Chuhan-Pole and Bryan C. Land) 

paper - blog post - link to book

1. Local Governments’ Technical Capacity and Performance: Evidence from Peruvian Municipalities, Perspectivas 7(1) pp. 89-113, Bogota: Andean Development Corporation (CAF), 2009  (with Carlos Casas)  paper