(last update of this page: May 2024)

Participation in Evaluations of Technology

Leader of the participation in international evaluations of technology using developments of own research, with submissions usually ranked in the first two positions (mostly among ten or more participants). A research problem is usually defined, including an evaluation protocol. Training data is made available to the participants to tune their algorithms. Participants then submit their algorithms, which are tested by the organizers with sequestered data (i.e. not seen previously by the participants).

In several cases, the work is based on research done by supervised MSc or PhD students. The algorithms submitted are in most cases described in publications. Sometimes there is also a joint publication by organizers and participants describing the competition and results.

EFaR 2023: Efficient Face Recognition Competition

J. N. Kolf, F. Boutros, J. Elliesen, M. Theuerkauf, N. Damer, M. Alansarir, O. A. Hay, S. Alansari, S. Javed, N. Werghi, K. Grm, V. Struc, F. Alonso-Fernandez, K. Hernandez Diaz, J. Bigun, A. George, C. Ecabert, H. O. Shahreza, K. Kotwal, S. Marcel, I. Medvedev, J. Bo, D. Nunes, A. Hassanpour, P. Khatiwada, A. A. Toor, B. Yang, “EFaR 2023: Efficient Face Recognition Competition”, Proc. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep 25-28, 2023 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.04168 

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Barrachina, K. Hernandez Diaz, J. Bigun, “SqueezeFacePoseNet: Lightweight Face Verification Across Different Poses for Mobile Platforms”, Proc. IAPR TC4 Workshop on Mobile and Wearable Biometrics, WMWB, in conjunction with IEEE/IAPR Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, 2020, Milan, Italy, 10-15 January 2021 (online) (Oral) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68793-9_10, https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08566, https://youtu.be/suJmO8IWp8k (collaboration due to visit to the company FacePhi Biometria in Spain)

DFGC 2022: The Second DeepFake Game Competition

B. Peng, W. Xiang, W. Wang, J. Dong, Z. Sun, Z. Lei, S. Lyu, "DFGC 2022: The Second DeepFake Game Competition," 2022 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2022, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/IJCB54206.2022.10007991, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10007991

F. Rosberg, E. Aksoy, F. Alonso-Fernandez, C. Englund, “FaceTrans: Pose- and Occlusion-Aware High Fidelity Face Swapping”, Proc. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 3-7, 2023 http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.10473 

CROSS-EYED 2017: 2nd Cross-Spectrum Iris/Periocular Recognition

A. F. Sequeira, L. Chen, J. Ferryman, P. Wild, F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Bigun, T. Freitas Pereira, S. Marcel, V. Kanhangad, K. B. Raja, R. Raghavendra, C. Busch, Cross-Eyed - Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Database and Competition”, Proc. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Denver, CO, Oct 1-4, 2014

CROSS-EYED 2016: 1st Cross-Spectrum Iris/Periocular Recognition

A. F. Sequeira, L. Chen, J. Ferryman, F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Bigun, K. B. Raja, R. Raghavendra, C. Busch, P. Wild, Cross-Eyed - Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Database and Competition”, Proc. 15th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG, Darmstadt, Germany, 21-23 Sept 2016

ICIR2013: First ICB Competition on Iris Recognition

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Bigun, “Periocular Recognition Using Retinotopic Sampling and Gabor Decomposition”, Intl Workshop “What's in a Face?” WIAF, in conjunction with the European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV,  Springer LNCS-7584, pp. 309-318, Firenze, Italy, October 7-13, 2012

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Bigun, “Iris Boundaries Segmentation Using the Generalized Structure Tensor. A Study on the Effects on Image Degradation”, Intl Conf on Biometrics: Theory, Apps and Systems, BTAS, Washington DC, September 23-26, 2012

M. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Sun, W. Su, F. Alonso-Fernandez, V. Némesin, N. Othman, K. Noda, P. Li, E. Hoyle, A. Joshi, “The First ICB Competition on Iris Recognition”, Proc. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Clearwater (Tampa), FL, 29 Sept – 2 Oct, 2014

4NSigComp2010: Forensic Signature Verification Competition (off-line)

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, A. Gilperez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Impact of time variability in off-line writer identification and verification”, Proc. IEEE ISPA, Spec. Sess. on Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics, Salzburg, Austria, 2009-09-16

A. Gilperez, F. Alonso-Fernandez, S. Pecharroman, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Off-line signature verification using contour features”, Intl Conf on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR, Montréal, Québec, August 19-21, 2008

SigComp 2009: Signature Competition, On- and Offline Skilled Forgeries

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, M. Martinez-Diaz, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Fusion of static image and dynamic information for signature verification”, IEEE Proc. Intl. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP, El Cairo, Egypt, 2009-11-07

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, A. Gilperez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Impact of time variability in off-line writer identification and verification”, Proc. IEEE ISPA, Spec. Sess. on Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics, Salzburg, Austria, 2009-09-16

A. Gilperez, F. Alonso-Fernandez, S. Pecharroman, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Off-line signature verification using contour features”, Intl Conf on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR, Montréal, Québec, August 19-21, 2008

V. L. Blankers, C. E. van den Heuvel, K. Y. Franke, L. G. Vuurpijl. ”The ICDAR 2009 signature verification competition”. Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, pp 1403–1407, 2009

LivDet 2009: Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition

J. Galbally, F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “A High Performance Fingerprint Liveness Detection Method Based on Quality Related Features”, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, 28 (1): 311-321, January 2012, ISSN 0167-739X

J. Galbally, F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Fingerprint Liveness Detection Based on Quality Measures”, IEEE Proc. Intl. Conf. on Biometrics, Identity and Security, BIDS, Tampa, FL, Sept 22-23, 2009

BSEC 2009: The BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, M. Martinez-Diaz, J. Ortega-Garcia, “Fusion of static image and dynamic information for signature verification”, IEEE Proc. Intl. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP, El Cairo, Egypt, 2009-11-07

BMEC 2007: The Biosecure Multimodal Evaluation Campaign

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, D. Ramos, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Quality-Based Conditional Processing in Multi-Biometrics: Application to Sensor Interoperability”, IEEE Trans. On Systems, Man & Cybernetics, part A, 40 (6): 1168-1179, November 2010, ISSN 1083-4427

F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, D. Ramos and J. Ortega-Garcia, "Dealing with sensor interoperability in multi-biometrics: the UPM experience at the BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation 2007", in Proc. Defense and Security Symposium, Biometric Technologies for Human Identification, BTHI, Proc. SPIE, Orlando, USA, March 2008

N. Poh, T. Bourlai, J. Kittler, L. Allano, F. Alonso-Fernandez, O. Ambekar, J. Baker, B. Dorizzi, O. Fatukasi, J. Fierrez, H. Ganster, J. Ortega-Garcia, D. Maurer, A. A. Salah, T. Scheidat and C. Vielhauer, "Benchmarking Quality-dependent and Cost-sensitive Score-level Multimodal Biometric Fusion Algorithms", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 4 (4): 849-866, Dec. 2009, ISSN: 1556-6013