Publications by type

Publication list in Google Scholar with citation figures here

You can download most of my publications from our institutional library repository (use "Alonso-Fernandez" as search term)

 Journal Articles with Peer-Review

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)

International Conferences with Peer-Review

(own participation indicated, if in blank then the paper was presented by another co-author)

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)

Spanish Conferences with Peer-Review

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)

Authored Books

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)

Edited Books

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)

Book Chapters

(collaborating researchers from other groups in italics, PhD/MSc students underlined)