
Sampling and Estimation

  1. Confidence Intervals

  2. Upper Limit of the 95% CI when the Number of Observations is 0

Measures of Validity/Reliability

  1. Inter-rater reliability (kappa)

Content Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Interpret a confidence interval

  • Understand the types of validity that relate to measurement

  • Distinguish accuracy from precision

  • Understand when to use and how to interpret kappa

Annals of EM Gaddis Biostats 2.pdf
Annals of EM Jovanovic Upper Limit of 95% CI.pdf

Gaddis: "Confidence Intervals"

Pett Kappa.pdf

Supplemental Reading:

Intuitive Biostatistics (4th Edition)

Chapters: 4-6, 12, 13, 17

Pett: "The Kappa Coefficient," "An Appropriate Research Question for the Kappa Coefficient," "Critical Assumptions of the Kappa Coefficient," and "Advantages and Limitations of the Kappa Coefficient"

Classic Article:

Hollander Annals of EM 1998 Irrigation of Facial Lacerations.pdf