
Hypothesis Testing

  1. The Null Hypothesis

  2. Type I and Type II Errors

  3. Statistical Power and Sample Size

Statistical Tests

  1. Parametric Tests: t-test and ANOVA

  2. Nonparametric Tests: Rank Tests and Chi-Square

Content Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish the null hypothesis from an alternative hypothesis

  • Interpret the results of hypothesis testing

  • Understand when to use and how to interpret the chi-square test

  • Understand when to use and how to interpret tests comparing continuous variables between two groups (t-test, Mann-Whitney U)

  • Understand when to use and how to interpret tests comparing continuous variables between three or more groups (ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis)

  • Understand when to use paired tests

  • Understand the appropriate use of parametric versus nonparametric tests

  • Identify a type I error

  • Identify a type II error

  • Understand how sample size affects the power of a study

Annals of EM Gaddis Biostats 4.pdf
Annals of EM Gaddis Biostats 5.pdf
EMJ Jones Sample Size.pdf

Supplemental Reading:

Intuitive Biostatistics (4th Edition) Chapters: 15-16, 18-20, 26-27, 30-31, 39, 41

Classic Article:

Spiro Wait and See Abx.pdf