Other Projects

The more we make. The more knowledge we gain.

This was a project made in LBS Gothenburg that was sent to LBS game awards as a representative of our school to fight against all the other LBS projects.

This project was made in a group consisting of four artists and four programmers so a total of eight people. During this project,  I worked on 

enemy attacks, the wave system, level transition, clouds, a variety of different visual effects, and designing levels two and three. 

This project was a two-day project made by a group of six people. In which I worked on the implementation of the turrets and the layout of some levels.

This was a twenty-four-hour project made at LBS Gothenburg in a group of seven people.

 Where I focused on the implementation of the claw which uses inverse kinematics to animate itself. 

I also worked on implementing the fuel tank that you see at the back of the robot this tank drains during the duration of the dive and in order to refill it you need to refill at the submarine.

this was a six-week project made in the school's own engine called tengine which is basically an extended code library for c++. This project was made in a group consisting of three programmers, four artists, and two designers. During this project, I have mainly worked on the book interaction system and some smaller bits like the implementation of visual effects and some basic collision.

 This book interaction system is used to figure out when the player can interact with a book and in that case, if you then press the interact button it shows the book in the middle of the screen.  After that you can press the interact button again to collect the book and when you have collected all the book and get back to the entrance you win. This same system is used to detect when the player walks on a trap and this makes your noise bar go up and when you are too loud you lose. 

This collision is a ray that shoots down from the player's position and checks if it hits the collision map. This collision map is used so that you have no way to go into the walls.

I worked on implementing the effect you can see under the player when you walk.

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