Hello, my name is Felix Emblad! 

I´m a passionate programmer driven by creativity and a will to never give up. As a passionate programmer, I invite you to explore my world of works. 

But, before we dive into all that fun stuff let's delve a bit deeper into me and my journey.

Who am I

Hello! I am Felix Emblad, a 21-year-old game programmer hailing from Gothenburg Sweden. Now Lets us delve into my background. 


I started my journey in 2018, enrolling in a 3-year game programming course at LBS Gothenburg. There I honed my skills in C# and developed a variety of games, some of which you can check out here. Post graduation, I  furthered my education in game programming at PlagroundSquad in Falun, Sweden. this school provided me with a laser focus on game coding, Allowing me to make more projects and games, primarily using C++ you can see a selection of these works down below. After four and half years of comprehensive study and practical game development. I then went on a six-month internship. Where I worked extensively with Unity C#. I also had the unique opportunity to create games using the PS4 dev kit. and an in-house C++ engine. I have also ventured into developing a project in Unreal Engine 5.  Suffice it to say, I'm well-versed in a range of development platforms and I am ready to tackle any challenge you throw at me. 

Still, need convincing? check out my projects below or learn more about me on the about me page. There you will find more information about my internship, education, personal traits, and hobbies

Some of my works:

Planet Building Game

This is a C# unity project that I have worked on off and on for about three weeks to four weeks.  The project was made with the intention of learning more varied areas of coding. Some of the stuff I have learned. 

Includes procedural planet generation, placement systems, resource systems, wave systems as well as a wireframe shader.

This was a fun challenge to work during this part I learned to make a custom editor to easily change the mountains and colors of the planet. you can change the mountains by using settings such as different noise types as well as layering different noises on top of each other to make a more realistic look. and the colors work by having different zones for example it is currently set up so that more bright colors are at the top and bottom of the globe to simulate the artics.

 I have also learned to generate a mesh from scratch with just code in C#. Fun fact I use the same code to generate the wireframe mesh Just with a lower resolution so that not as many vertexes get made. Then to make the wireframe I use a custom-coded shader to make sure that only the edges and vertexes are displayed. 

This was also fun stuff to code as it is not something I have done before and it works by checking the vertex of the wireframeFrameMesh and then setting a game object's position to that object to mark where the building would be placed. The placement is limited though to how many resources you currently have on hand. for example, The yellow cubes are power generators and cost a bit of money as well as some minerals that are made by the lime green cubes that are miners. Your energy production is important as it costs energy to shoot with the red cubes that are turrets. 

This is the system that aims to make the game more balanced by not making it possible to place out buildings indefinitely and the main limiter would be that the money gen is slow as you can only get it by killing enemies. and to kill enemies you will need minerals and energy as building a turret requires all three luckily you start with a little bit of each to get you started for your first wave.

Wave spawn enemies once per thirty seconds and not constantly to give the player a bit of time to plan out where to place the structures. This wave system currently only spawns one enemy and these enemies will drop missiles towards to globe and in turn these missiles deal damage to the planet that you will need to defend. By using your resources for turrets and placing them on the globe. If you then can defend against all the waves you win

This is the system that allows you to lose and kill enemies by giving them a set amount of hitpoints. Hitpoints will decrease if the bullets hit the enemy or if the missiles hit the planet.

But there is definitely more that can be done with this project.

Procedural world generation

This was a five-week project made in C++. That focused on me learning how to generate a mesh using d3d11. And implementing colors and a lot of different forms of noise in order to create varied terrain. These different forms of noise including for example perlin noise and rigid noise. Using techniques like Fractional Brownian motion or fBm for short

During this project, I have learned how to generate a mesh using DirectX 11 and understanding the principle of Perlin noise. Then implementing it into the project, and also learning a bit more about shaders.


This was a nine-week project made in unity for the pc and the ps4. The project was made out of a group of five artists, three programmers, two designers, and three audio designers. So a total size of 13 people. During this project, I focused on implementing a wide array of features and functions.  These include movement, camera, audio, moving platforms, menus, and animations.

The movement includes code for realistic staircase movement and realistic slope movement with logical jumping directions based on the normal line of the slope that you are standing on.

The camera is a normal fps camera that includes stuff like head bobbing and camera shake. The head bobbing is not noticeable since it's turned down a lot.

The audio is using the fmod system and I mainly focused on implementing the audio in unity using fmod. 

I worked on the implementation of moving platforms these have the functionality to make the player move and jump with the platforms. The platforms following a list of different positions that are easy to customize.                                                                                          

The menus that I worked on the functionality of the main menu, pause menu, and options menu. 

I also worked on implementing the animations into the appropriate   functions like setting up jump and walk animations.

Scour The Dark

This was a 9-week project made in unreal engine 5. For the pc. This project is a two-person co-op topdown game where the goal is to carry a bomb into the center of an infested office and detonate it. 

The project was made by seven artists, four programmers, and three designers. and during this project, I was doing UI and gameplay coding took me a while to get used to Unreal Engine 5 though as this is my first project in that engine.


I implemented the respawn system. 

I worked on the flamethrower and the normal gun

I made the credits system that has an effect that looks like the names of the creators are being typed out

Check out more projects here

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