On preparation

Discrete measured groupoid von Neumann algebras via malleable deformations and 1-cohomology (with James Harbour).

New examples of algebraically sofic von Neumann algebras.


On the continuity of intertwining operators over generalized convolution algebras. Submitted for publication. [preprint]

Polynomial growth and functional calculus in algebras of integrable cross-sections.  Submitted for publication. [preprint]

Twisted convolution algebras with coefficients on a differential subalgebra.  Submitted for publication. [preprint]


A criterion for hypersymmetry on discrete groupoids. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, volume 108(2), 2023, pp. 320-330. [article] [preprint]

Symmetry for algebras associated to Fell bundles over groups and groupoids. (with Diego Jauré and Marius Măntoiu) Journal of Operator Theory, volume 91(1), 2024, pp. 27-54. [article] [preprint]

Morphisms of groupoid actions and recurrence. (with Marius Măntoiu) Topology and its Applications, volume 314, 2022, 108122. [article] [preprint]

Topological dynamics of groupoid actions. (with Marius Măntoiu) Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, volume 16(3), 2022, pp. 1005-1047.  [article] [preprint]