Felipe Flores Llarena

PhD student at University of Virginia

My name is Felipe Flores Llarena. I am a chilean mathematician and PhD student at University of Virginia. You may also found me around as (simply) Felipe Flores. The apparent discrepancy between surnames follows from the Spanish naming customs.

My research interests lie around operator (Banach *-, C*- and von Neumann) algebras, geometric/measured group theory and dynamical systems. Nevertheless, I enjoy a wide variety of topics all across mathematics. My PhD advisor is Ben Hayes.

I have an MSc in Mathematics from the University of Virginia. Before that, I earned my BS and MSc degrees in Mathematical engineering at Universidad de Chile. My advisor there was Marius Măntoiu.

I speak English decently, Spanish fluently (native) and the very basics of Portuguese.

Office address: 114 Kerchof Hall. 141 Cabell Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22904.

Here I am, getting to the top of the Pedra da Gávea in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during 2020.

Contact me at floresllarena@virginia.edu