The album consists of two tracks.[2] Fela criticized the Nigerian military and the military government, documenting the period of transition from military rule back to civilian rule in the late 1970s in the track "Army Arrangement". In "Government Chicken Boy", Kuti tackles people who follow authority with obedience.[1] It was also a period when Kuti's home came under repeated attacks.[3]

Kuti recorded Army Arrangement with the Egypt 80 band and the tapes were sent to New York for mixing. Kuti was however arrested by the Nigerian government while attempting to leave for the United States. It was mixed by Bill Laswell with input from Sly Dunbar, Ayib Dieng and Bernie Worrell on drums and the keyboard.[4] Fela later described "Army Arrangement" as one of his least favourite tracks saying "What Bill Laswell has done is not African music the way I hear it" and "anything that changes the natural sound of my instruments, I don't use. I will not do music with computers and electronic gadgets because African music is natural sound."[5]

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A Pulse Nigeria reviewer described Army Arrangement as a "riveting political critique of the Nigerian military government and laced with swashbuckling instrumentation". It was considered alongside Unknown Soldier and Beasts of No Nation as one of Kuti's trifectas; "three consecutive top quality, universally acclaimed and commercially successful albums".[8]

It was around this period that he built an interactive audience. One that converged at his communal home, called Afrika shrine. When he wasn't performing music, he spoke against the government, religion and the West.

Out of fifty-two E. coli isolates used in this study, 11 (19%) of them were haemolytic on 5% sheep blood agar while 41 (71%) of the isolates were Congo red positive. Five of the haemolytic strains were isolated from broilers while six were gotten from layers. Out of the forty-one strains that bound to Congo red dye, 18 were from layers while 23 were from broilers chickens.

The Green Paper is not the official policy position of government. It only articulates possible policy options or proposals that are based on inputs received from stakeholders. These proposals will be subjected to public scrutiny.

On the other hand, a White Paper is issued by government as a statement of policy and proposals. In short, Green Paper means consultation and White Paper means proposals and there and there should be no confusing about it. I am pleading that the national dialogue on this Green Paper be conducted responsibly and in the true spirit of nation building. We are eagerly waiting for inputs by 30 June.

As you may be aware, the Constitutional Court on the 20 July 2020 passed a judgement that compels the country to allow independent candidates to contest for provincial and national elections. I have appointed a team led by former government Minister, Mr Valli Moosa, who concluded public consultations with political parties and organisations representing nonpolitical youths. I am advised that this committee has

The ANC-led government took a decision to establish a Border Management Authority, BMA, to take responsibility for all functions related to the management of our borders. The Authority will be responsible for border law enforcement functions at ports of entry and at the borderline. The BMA

In light of the upcoming local government elections, the department should roll out sufficient awareness-raising campaigns to ensure that all citizens receive their ID documents timeously so as to enable them to register and vote during the 2021 local government elections.

Every person in this country knows that the ANC became the biggest threat to good governance, and that they are incapable to provide the type of national government services that the people of South Africa deserves. When the ANC talks about bad and failed governance they talk in the third person and as observers. They talk in a way that distances them from the very problems they created. When they talk about unprecedented unemployment levels of 32.6% and poverty, they seem to be surprised as if they are neither aware of this, nor responsible for it.

The citizens of South Africa have the right to choose the government of their choice through elections. Section 19(3) of the Bill of Rights states that every adult citizen has the right to vote in the election for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution and shall do so in a secret ballot.

The IEC received its budget allocation for Budget Vote 5 on Home Affairs in 2019. The IEC delivered yet another free and fair general elections, marking the 10th successful general elections, five national and provincial elections and five local government elections since the dawn of our democracy in 1994. Among the highlights of that particular election include, firstly, the largest number of voters were registered, 26,6 million compared to 25,4 million in 2014.

The IEC in cohort with the leadership of the ANC has insisted that we must go on local government elections this year, despite the fact that the country is ravaged by coronavirus. To date, they have not indicated how they will safeguard the health of our people during voter registration and the voting. The decision to go ahead with the elections will have serious and deadly impact on our people. The IEC together with the ANC must be held accountable for that.

Mr X NGWEZI: Those are technology issue, hey. Hon Chairperson, hon Minister, South Africans who do not sit in privilege positions like the Ministers, their families and the ANC cadres, have to go through agony when requiring services from Home Affairs. The poor and the most vulnerable of this country have an even harder time as they need to cross dangerous areas in pitch darkness to line up outside the Home Affairs offices all because of the rampant corruption in this government and the bottlenecks as a result of incompetence service delivery.

In March this year, the department confirmed that the validity of short- and long-term visas are extended to June and July this year. This massive backlog will impose inconsistent processes challenging foreigners. Further than that, with the local government elections being held in October this year, it

This year we celebrate Mama Charlotte Maxeke for her immense contribution to our struggle for freedom. It is though their efforts and resolve that today every young person in the country can access government services that will shape their future for the better.

Yesterday, I conducted an official visit to Polokwane to encourage the youth to apply for their smart ID cards in preparation for their matric examination, and to enable those who are eligible to exercise their democratic right in the upcoming local government election.

Hon Chairperson, we have made good progress towards universal early birth registration which is one of the key responsibilities of government and an essential component of security, good governance and sound administration. During the 2020-21 financial year the department set a target of registering 750 000 births within 30 days. I am happy to report that the department managed to register 119582 births of which 751 087 were births registered within 30 calendar days. The highest number of births were registered in Gauteng followed by KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. The least number of births registered were in the Northern Cape, Free State and North West, which is not a surprising phenomenon given the distribution of the population in the country.

The very rule of law is under threat. We do not believe in closing borders, but proper processing and regulation is massively important for government planning. How many foreign nationals are there currently in South Africa? The honest reply is that nobody knows. How then can you plan for government services? Again, your department is the enabler but not doing your job.

To enable it to achieve its vision a modern and security department managed by professionals. The repositioning of the programme is meant to ensure that the department is able to deliver on its core mandate. To empower citizens to enhance national security, enable economic development and an efficient government.

the legislation the defines the Department of Home Affairs role and mandate in the democratic sovereign state, which must confront deeply rooted challenges of social rooted challenges, of social injustice, economic development an efficient government is needed.

The department announced that there are many uncollected IDs at various Home Affairs offices. We encourage all applicants to collect them as soon as possible House Chair, because we are into year of local government elections.

And, every day when I go back to work, this is the original sin I am trying to resolve, because we have done away with manual system and introduced a live capture about eight years ago. And while many government departments depend on State Information Technology Agency for their information services.

Ms K KHAKHAU: Chairperson, next week Wednesday South Africa is supposed to celebrate Youth Day, a day that should naturally be a celebratory reminder of our freedom. Instead on this day the youth of this country will once more sit more convinced than ever that the emancipation of young lives remains a mere idea that pops up in political discussions just so to make the government look somewhat relevant or concerned when the truth is, this government could not even begin to bother itself with sustainable solutions to the plight of young people.

Yet the government does little to nothing to change the channel legislation and funds to solve this problem. The best they could come up with is a promise of free education for all when they know that it is nonsensical to in a country that is ff782bc1db

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