Robust State Estimation

In this study, we develop algorithms for robust estimation and fault detection and identification for a class of hybrid systems called the stochastic linear hybrid system (SLHS)

Robust Hybrid Estimation Algorithm

The authors propose a robust hybrid estimation algorithm that estimates the continuous state and the discrete state of an SLHS with unknown fault inputs

Proposed hybrid estimation algorithm

Fault Detection and Identification

The proposed residual generation algorithm computes residuals to facilitate fault detection and isolation. The residuals have the properties that they can reconstruct (in the mean sense) the unknown fault input vector. 

Block diagram of the proposed Fault Detection and Identification (FDI) algorithm


The authors also demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm with a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft example. The figures below represent the flight mode transition of a VTOL aircraft (left) and its corresponding transition model of the hybrid system (right). Please find the detailed results in the paper below.

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