Raj Deshmukh
I am a Ph.D. candidate and a member of the FD&C/HSL at Purdue University.
Research Area
Distributed hybrid state estimation
Machine learning applications to air traffic management
2017 -- Present: Ph.D. student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2015 -- 2017: M.S., School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2011 -- 2015: B.S., Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Journal publications
Reactive Temporal Logic-based Precursor Detection Algorithm for Terminal Airspace Operations, (under review) AIAA Journal of Air Transportation: Special Issue (2019), Raj Deshmukh, Dawei Sun, Kwangyeon Kim, Inseok Hwang
Incremental-Learning-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Terminal Airspace Operations, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (2019), Raj Deshmukh, Inseok Hwang
Development of Data-Driven Conflict Resolution Generator for En-Route Airspace, (under review) Aerospace Science and Technology (2019), Kwangyeon Kim, Raj Deshmukh, Inseok Hwang
Distributed State Estimation for a Stochastic Linear Hybrid System over a Sensor Network, IET Control Theory & Applications (2018), Raj Deshmukh¸ Omanshu Thapliyal, Cheolhyeon Kwon, Inseok Hwang
Conference publications
Anomaly Detection Using Temporal Logic Based Learning for Terminal Airspace Operations, AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum (Finalist for Best Student Paper Competition), Raj Deshmukh, Inseok Hwang
Data-Driven Precursor Detection Algorithm for Terminal Airspace Operations, FAA/Eurocontrol ATM R&D Seminar 2019 (Best paper in Complexity track), Raj Deshmukh, Dawei Sun, Inseok Hwang
Optimal Kalman Consensus Filter for Bidirected Weighted Graphs, (accepted) 58th Annual Conference on Decision & Control (2019), Shiraz Khan, Raj Deshmukh, and Inseok Hwang
Optimal Discrete-time Kalman Consensus Filter, American Control Conference (2017), Raj Deshmukh, Cheolhyeon Kwon, and Inseok Hwang