Woodland Middle School Counseling Department


Woodland Middle School Counselors are certified educators uniquely trained in child/adolescent development, learning strategies, self management and social skills.

WMS Counselors believe:

  • Every student can learn, and every student can succeed

  • Every student should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program

  • Effective school counseling is a collaborative process involving school counselors, students, school community and the school counseling advisory council.


All students from Woodland Middle School maximize their full potential as productive members of society. Our students possess the necessary skills needed to problem solve, advocate for themselves and are ready for cultural experiences that extend beyond their local communities. Students pursue post-secondary pathways that are representative of their unique strengths and talents that have been nurtured through our school counseling program.


Woodland Middle School students are supported in realizing and achieving their individual goals of success in an equitable enriching environment. Students have access to a data informed comprehensive school counseling program that nurtures the growth mindset, resiliency, and academic rigor. All students are equipped with skills to build upon their individual strengths, overcome adversity, maximize academic achievement to have a positive impact on local and global societies.