
Membership is open to any person who is or has been qualified to teach or supervise Family and Consumer Sciences and/or Health Sciences at any educational level in Nebraska, provided they are members of affiliated national and state career and technical associations. 

Additionally, college students with at least two years of study toward becoming a Family and Consumer Sciences and/or Health Sciences teacher are eligible for FCSTN membership.

If you have any inquiries, please email Audrey Foster, the FCSTN Membership Committee Chair.

Membership Benefits

Network & Professional Development 

Teaching Strategies & Activities

Promotional Items for FCS Education 

Recognition Though Awards & Scholarships

Annual Membership Dues

$142 Professional Membership

$80 ACTE + $30 ACTEN + $32 FCSTN

$0 Student Membership

For enrollment or renewal, you have two choices. You can register online or complete the form and mail it to ​Murleen Bellinger, ACTEN Executive Director. When mailing, be sure to enclose your payment with the form!

FCSTN Membership Form.pdf

Retired Membership

The FCSTN Retired Teacher Lifetime Membership requires a one-time payment of $100.

Benefits include a half-price banquet meal at the NCE conference, access to our e-newsletter, and invitations to FCSTN events and activities. Additionally, you'll stay connected with friends and colleagues, share your experiences and ideas with current and new FCS professionals, and remain an integral part of our 

If you have any inquiries, please email Judeen Price or Jan Smaus, the FCSTN Retired Membership Committee Co-Chairs.

Retired Membership Flyer 2023

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