New to FCC Fullerton

Thank you for joining us in-person or online! We know that entering a space for spiritual community can be daunting and we want to do what we can to help you feel welcome and connect with others in worship.

On this page, you'll find some answers to Frequently Asked Questions and a way to contact our ministry teams leaders for more information!

Our worship services are a reflection of our people and we have woven together elements from different traditions- hymns and songs, scripture reading and recitation, prayer and preaching -all under the direction of our local ministry leadership team to help foster a healthy spiritual community.

What can I expect?

Our typical Sunday morning service is a collection of songs, prayers, and teaching. The primary element of our service, however, is celebrating communion together. This part of the service is open to every person, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, faith understanding or commitment. We believe that this table belongs to Jesus and we have no right to determine who is or isn't worthy to participate.

Will I be asked to do anything because I'm new?

You are welcome to participate in all aspects of the service but are under no obligation. Visitors are not called upon to introduce themselves, but we would appreciate getting to know you what brought you to join us this morning.

During Passing of the Peace, there are a few minutes to connect with others, either in the sanctuary or by unmuting yourself on Zoom. You can also connect with a pastor or ministry team leader through the contact form on this page.

What kind of church are you?

We are an inclusive, progressive, Christian church. As part of the Disciples of Christ denomination, we believe that the role of Christians is to follow Jesus as part of a "movement for wholeness in a fragmented world". Our faith motivates us toward active participation in justice and equity, both locally, nationally, and around the world.

We have made commitments to be LGBTQ+ inclusive, anti-racism/pro-reconciliation, environmentally conscious, mobility-accessible, and are continuing to find ways to put these values into practice.

What beliefs are important to you?

Our values are inclusion, participation, and adaptability. These lead us to think more along the lines of practice than doctrine. We believe that the spirit of God is active in many different ways and that we are better in community that is free to inquire and explore through different interpretations. We are a "thinking church" that enjoys the nuances in theology and biblical studies in determining how to live faithfully today.

How can I get more information or ask questions?

We would love to get to know you more and answer any questions you have about our spiritual community. You can use the contact form below or the information in the footer to reach our office and a ministry team leader will connect with you shortly!