In preparation

"The (beta) decay of effective realism", a paper criticizing a form of scientific realism designed to explain the successes of quantum field theories

"Feminist- and trauma-informed approaches to teaching formal philosophy" (with Helen Meskhidze and Thomas Colclough; currently, we're only working on logic courses)

"El 'Sócrates presocrático' de las Nubes de Aristófanes", a book chapter surveying the traces of early Greek science in Aristophanes' Clouds (under review with Ediciones Uniandes as a companion essay to a translation from Aristophanes' Clouds from my undergrad Greek translation group) (email me for a draft!)

PSA 2022, picture by Sebastián Murgueitio

In the back-burner, but happy to talk about them

A paper on socially informed aspects of the methodology of Presocratic astronomy and scientific realism (email me for a draft!)

"But is it altruism?", a paper criticizing the Effective Altruism movement (with Ariana Peruzzi)

A paper on measurements and local operations in quantum field theory (with Juan F. López, Ravi Mistry, Aleksandr Pinzul, and Andrés F. Reyes-Lega; this project is both a continuation and a departure from some of the early-stage ideas A. P. Balachandran presented in this seminar from January 27, 2021, at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)

A paper on probability in the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics and representation theorems in decision theory (with Calum McNamara)