Past activities

In addition to the schools project and the community day, which you can read about elsewhere on this site, we have initiated or supported the following activities:

First World War armistice centenary November 2018:   We researched service personnel from the Fawdon, Coxlodge and Gosforth area who lost their lives in the Great War. Material was prepared for an exhibition inside the Jubilee Theatre, St Nicholas Hospital, Coxlodge that was put on alongside First Act Theatre's poignant production of "Journey's End", which we helped to promote; some of this material was also used in a service at St Mary's Church, Fawdon.

A platform for the voice of young people in Fawdon - "PlayinNewcastle - Youth Services" (PIN) are represented on our steering committee, and we are keen to support their work with young people in Fawdon.  Filmmaker Sharon Race created a short film for FACT of  PIN activities at St Mary's Church, with interviews with some of the young people.

150th anniversary of St Nicholas Hospital, Coxlodge.  We worked with the Mental Health Trust on the occasion of World Mental Health Day in October 2019 to mark the 150th anniversary of the hospital. We promoted their open day where local organisations who work in the field of mental health came together; via Peter Nicol of the local history society we presented the history of the hospital to trust staff and visitors. Also, to mark the return of "Clear White Light" to Live Theatre , we facilitated a visit to St Nicholas from members of Lindisfarne and the director of the production; they shared the story of Lindisfarne's Alan Hull (and his songs) during his time at the hospital which had inspired the production.

Fawdon Park - we help with litter-picking in the park and surrounding area, and helped brighten up the area with a litle planting at the shopping centre (helped by Coxlodge Allotments). There is funding available for investment in the park and we have expressed our willingness to be involved in the consultation.

We were able to put on the long-planned heritage walk around our local heritage “treasures” on August Bank Holiday Monday 2021, which, despite poor weather, was well-supported and enjoyed by local people. The event included an knowledge/observation quiz, with prizes, some of which were kindly donated by the Gosforth branch of ASDA. Our appreciation goes to The Jubilee public house for letting us set up stall in their carpark, and to the local organisations that allowed us to affix information sheets outside their premises.

We took the initiative to organise a Christmas community party in both 2021 and 2022, with stalls, entertainment and food, at Fawdon Community Centre in December, generously supported again by ASDA, and well-attended.

The Jubilee Road signage for the Coxlodge Community Centre has long been a public eyesore. We sought the agreement of the City Council, of Coxlodge Community Association and of the Gosforth and Coxlodge Bowling Club to create new signage. The Bowling Club introduced us to one of their sponsors, City Signs, who did the artwork, construction and installation and we were able to secure the greater part of the funding from Coxlodge Community Association, with FACT paying the balance.