May 16-19, 2024

The 33rd Annual Meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics

Dalhousie University

Halifax, Canada

The 33rd installment of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 33) is held at Dalhousie University in partnership with Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Canada). See the poster.

This FASL edition is funded by the SSHRC Connection Grant project Slavic languages across grammars and models. In addition to general sessions (traditionally open to any aspect of formal Slavic linguistics), it also includes: 

 Invited plenary speakers

Wayles Browne (Cornell University)

Daniel Currie Hall (Saint Mary's University)

Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland)

 Important Dates

15 January 2024 29 January at 23:59 GMT -4 | abstract submission deadline (extended)

Early March 2024 | notification of decision

5 May 2024 | registration deadline

16-19 May 2024 | the conference

30 June 2024 | notification of intent to submit a paper (see "Publication")

16 August 2024 | submission of the manuscript for a peer review


Conference organizers: Jasmina Milićević (Dalhousie University), Egor Tsedryk (Saint Mary's University)

Conference e-mail: